
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Two Good Things

Good Thing Number One:

I'd like to direct you all to Jodi Meadows' post on LINE EDITS. Her reactions and responses to her (fabulous) agent's notes and suggestions will resonate with many of you.

Good Thing Number Two:

We're going to do some 1000-word critiques this week, starting today! If your critter fingers are itchy, be sure to carve out a little crit time today. The 1000-word excerpts give us a chance to go a little more in-depth with critique.

For those of you wondering how to submit 1000 words: At this point, I'm not taking any more submissions. The 1000-word critique queue is almost a year old, with 30-40 entries waiting in the wings. I draw from the queue as time permits, always asking the author for a revised version if one exists (it almost always does). Adding names to that list right now wouldn't feel right.

As we work our way through the current list, I'll eventually start taking new submissions. For now, we'll concentrate on what we've got.

So get your red (or blue) pens ready! It's time to jump into a few of our fellow writers' worlds.


  1. Should consider throwing one of these out every week or every other week. That way they are spread out a bit but consistent : )

  2. Authoress,

    If I may, I'd like to comment on the recent postings of Talking Heads submission.

    The one thing that I noticed was how few of the posters understood what "emotion" was. It seemed they were interpreting "emotion" as what the character hoped to accomplish in the conversation.

    Just an observation.

  3. I have a question or two for Authoress:

    I sent a 1000 in and redacted it because it was submitted as an SA. So would I be able to resubmit this 1000? I revised it and changed the beginning completely and would really love to have an opportunity to have more than just 250 words critted, and the revisions critted. Or am I sol? :)

  4. Anon -- I see what you're saying. "Emotion" was being used loosely, though; the conversation might also be used to accomplish something, not necessarily emotion. I didn't feel like typing anything longer than "EMOTION" each time, so I stuck with that, misnomer though it may have been.

    Angie -- Yes, whenever something is redacted due to participation in a SA, you may resub after the contest and take a space at the end of the queue. =)

  5. Thanks, Authoress, for this link to Jodi's post. It was very informative.
