
Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Fricassee

And we have another agent signing!

January Secret Agent Contest winner Vahini Naidoo has just signed with the lovely Ammi-Joan Paquette, who had chosen Vahini's excerpt as one of her winners! (Entry #14, if you want to take a peek in the archives.)

CONGRATULATIONS, Vahini and Joan! Best wishes on a long and successful pairing.

This is Ms. Paquette's second signing from our blog, so I probably ought to start charging her commission. Or something. (I'm totally kidding. She knows I adore that she adores this blog.)

Isn't this a FANTASTIC kick-off to the weekend? Hooray!

That, and our first automated contest has run smoothly all week. If you haven't critiqued yet, you've got all weekend! You may have noticed that #43 has been disqualified. Having been slightly overwhelmed during the submission and fix-the-formatting process, I failed to notice that the genre for this entry was neither MG nor YA. Rest assured that the author was understanding and gracious, and there are no snarly feelings. Except, of course, for the fact that I hate having to do things like that.

So, please. Don't make me do mean things. Follow directions carefully.

And have a wonderful Friday-Saturday-Sunday!


  1. Wonderful news!! Congratulations to Vahini (and Joan...)!!!!

  2. That's amazing. Congratulations, Vahini!

  3. Congrats Vahini! What wonderful news. It gives me hope for my future.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Justin, this was #14 in January's contest, not this week's. :)

  6. Congrats, Vahini!

    And happy weekend, all!

  7. Congrats, Vahini! And way to make it happen, Authoress!

  8. Congratulations, Vahini.

    For the risk of being redundant, I just can't gush over the wonderfulness of this blog anymore.

  9. Wow - fabulous news! These posts are incredibly encouraging. I love signing stories!

  10. Wonderful news! Congrats Vahini! Can't wait to check it out. :)

    I'm so impressed by your blog! How did it take me so long to find it? :D

  11. Thanks for the shout-out Authoress! I'm so happy to have found the perfect agent for me, and I absolutely adore this blog :D

  12. Congratulations! Its so fun to hear success stories and watch the hard work pay off.

  13. It took me this long to realize how instructive these Secret Agent contests are to me. It lets me see if my picks correlate with the secret agent's. If we're opposite n our reactions to some of the posting, I chalk that up as a possible no for my work.
