
Monday, April 12, 2010


Don't worry, the contest is still open, but not for long.

Folks, you MUST format like this:

SCREEN NAME: put your screen name here
TITLE: put your title here
GENRE: put your genre here

Just like that. Simple as pi.

If you get a rejection, fix your errors and submit again!

Thanks for your courage, patience, awesomeness, etc.

And OH!!!! If you have a signature line in your emails, it would be best to GET RID OF IT! Most of them are stripped by the program, but if yours isn't, it may cause you to go over word count


  1. My crit partners and I were wondering about the signatures. Luckily, we removed them first!

  2. If you have ---- before the sig line, it supposedly doesn't count, but much safer to remove it!

    But you have to put colons after the SCREEN NAME, TITLE, GENRE - and I think you have to do them in order.
