
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Tiny Authoress Update...

...simply because you've been journeying with me. And while I keep most of my pursuit-of-writerly-success behind the scenes (because, honestly, I feel like that's the professional thing to do), I do like to let you know when I hit a mini-milestone. Especially since you've listened to me, from time to time, emote about this-or-the-other Thing.

This particular Thing happens to be the completion of my current WIP. I wrote the final sentence on Saturday night. Then I spent the next three days reading it.

And...I like it! I'm oddly relieved. I mean, did I think I'd hate it? I know it needs a lot of work. But you all know HOW MUCH I LOVE EDITING! For me, this is where the fun begins.

Not right away, though. I'm setting it aside to finish a halted-in-progress revision of another manuscript. Then I'll dig in with teeth and claws and bleach and scissors and...well, I'll edit.

(Have I mentioned I love editing?)

So, will you celebrate a little bit with me? I'm so thankful I've trained myself to write to a deadline (my self-imposed deadline for this WIP was June 1). It's one thing I'd feared not being able to do. I'm glad to have proven myself wrong!

A sweet friend brought me a 4.5 ounce, artisan-made, chili-and-cinnamon infused dark chocolate heart as a reward for finishing on time. What more could I ask?

Thanks for being part of my journey. Always know that I want you to share your successes with me, too!


  1. Squeeee! Congratulations!

    Celebrate with chocolate.

  2. Congratulations! That is certainly squee-worthy!

  3. Huge congratulations! It is indeed to be celebrated. Then revised, cleaned, bleached....

  4. Good work, princess! I knew you could do it! *big hugs*

  5. Oh, that is such a glorious, victorious feeling! I'm like you, the editing is where the fun begins.

    Happy pruning! And best wishes with the revision of your other MS ;)

  6. Yay for you authoress. Reaching a goal is amazing.

  7. Congratulations on reaching your goal! How nice of your friend to reward you so sweetly. ;-)

  8. YAY! Congratulations. Enjoy the chocolate.

  9. *lovemuffins* Oh, marvelous, stupendous, congratulations, madam! *twirls* I'm so glad you posted here, too - I've been called away from twitter of late and have missed all the up-to-the-moment authoress happenings. <3

  10. Congratulations! Enjoy the well deserved chocolate prize. I'll be sure to have ice cream tonight to celebrate for you.

  11. Well done. It's important to acknowledge your achievements. Oh, and have good chocolate.

  12. Be proud of your hard work! Be very proud.

  13. Congratulations, Authoress!! That's a big step - finishing the WIP *and* writing to deadline. Nicely done. :)

  14. I LOVE EDITING!! The first draft is great and all (when things click, when the plot just hums along, it's amazing. Awe-inspiring, even.) but I love the revising, the polishing.

    So, congratulations on your draft and have fun ripping it to shreds!

    Chocolate is the bestest of bestest ways to celebrate!

  15. Congrats! I just started a new WIP, but think I'm going to take your advice and try to set a deadline for myself.

  16. Oh, congratulations!! I'm inspired now - I've been slacking recently as far as writing goes, and I suppose it's time to jump back into the fray. Good job on meeting your deadline!!

  17. Congrats, Authoress! You are a writing machine. Good luck with the edits.

  18. AHHH feels good, right? I love editing most too! Good luck!

  19. Way to go! I always say, there's no better high than achievement, and it sounds like you're flying. I wish I was as disciplined and not so easily distracted. Ah, well.

  20. Congrats! Such a great feeling. :)

  21. Congrats, Authoress! I'm down in the editing trenches right now, too, and, for the first time, enjoying it:) I've learned a lot about revision in the past few months, so I don't hate it so much anymore.

  22. Congratulations! *throws confetti and hands you a basket of chocolate and cupcakes*

    It's a great idea to set it aside for a couple of days - gives you a fresh read. Have fun editing! :)

  23. Congrats! I finished mine on Saturday, too. So I'm totally doing a happy dance. I debated about my ending. Went for an 8-mile run and by the time I was finished running, had it all figured out. God I so love when that happens. Anyway, have fun with the editing. I love that, too. I guess that's why I'm an editor, no? (Smiles) Have a super day!

  24. Congrats!!! That sounds like a helluva chocolate heart!

  25. Way to go, Authoress! Congratulations.

  26. Congrats Authoress! Now go enjoy that chocolate :)
    (chili-and-cinnamon infused dark chocolate sounds divine...)

  27. Yeah!!!!!!!!! Congrats on finishing. That's fantastic!

  28. Fabulous, Authoress! :D Chocolate and congrats on finishing the draft!

  29. First, congratulations! Truly.

    As someone on the complete other end of the process (I am still in the preliminary stages of my first novel-length WIP), your success awes and inspires me.

    Thanks for making a difference.

  30. Congratulations! I love that you made your deadline! :o)

  31. Blessings and congratulations! I'll take this as inspiration to keep plugging on my own wip, knowing someday I will write THE END. And, dang, where can I find an artisan-made, chili-and-cinnamon infused dark chocolate heart? It might make me finish faster.

  32. WHOO! Made even better by chocolate at the end.

  33. Congrats! That's great. I also finished my latest novel June 1 so I know the feeling of satisfaction and the readiness to get to editing =)

  34. So cool! Congratulations. (I like editing, too, but alas -- I'm at the very start of a novel. Like, still outlining.)

  35. Congratulations, Authoress!!

    What a wonderful thrill, to go over that final sentence, and love it!
