
Monday, July 19, 2010

Our Olympic-Style Winners!

Straight from the fingers of Ms. Chiotti herself:

What a fun week this has been! Thanks so much to Authoress, and to the dedicated fans of this site, for allowing me the opportunity to hang out here and do some really fun reading.

There were plenty of entries that I thought showed tremendous promise here, so when it came down to choosing and ranking my favorites, it was tough (which is why I ended up with two silver medalists!). I’ve listed the winners below, along with the prizes.

Also, if I mentioned in my comments that I would be interested in reading more of the project, those authors are very welcome to submit to me, per our submissions guidelines, which are available at Upstart Crow. Please put “Authoress” in your subject line.

Finally, I’d like to wish the best of luck to all of the creative, energetic writers who are working so hard to get published—keep writing, keep working at your craft,and it will happen for you!

Gold Medal


This is my standout favorite. I was immediately drawn in by the voice, and the character’s obviously dark past. It was immediately vivid and engaging.

Prize: Request full manuscript for consideration, and will give 10 pp critique.

Silver Medal


I was really intrigued by this piece. It has the makings of a really interesting story, and I’m dying to find out what happens next. Nicely done!

Prize: Request full manuscript for consideration, and will give 5 pp critique.


This was really beautifully written, the action was fantastic, and the details were very clearly conveyed. Looking forward to reading more of this.

Prize: Request full ms for consideration, and will give 5 pp critique.



I love the boy voice here, and the detailing is quite nicely done.

Prize; Request first 100 pp of manuscript

Runner Up


This one had a lot of personality, and I’d love to see where it goes.

Prize: Request first 50 pp of manuscript


CONGRATULATIONS, everyone! Please email me at facelesswords(at) for specific submission instructions.


  1. Congratulations, winners!!!! Great job!

  2. totally cool--congrats guys! I really liked #6 & #40, too. good stuff~ :o)

    Also thanks Authoress & "secret agent" Chiotti! What a helpful exercise.

    All the best,

  3. congrats. I'm new to this blog (and my own). How does the contest work?

  4. haha, sorry I just found the rules!

  5. Congrats to the winners and many thanks to Authoress and Danielle for all of your hardwork!

  6. Congratulations to all the winners. And a big thanks to Ms. Chiotti for all your helpful comments.

    Authoress, you're the greatest, like always :)

  7. Great contest, and congrats to all the winners! And congrats to everyone who didn't win, too - Ms. Chiotti was leaving some great feedback, it looked like.

  8. Congratulations, winners! Well done! Thanks for taking time to comment on each entry, Miss Chiotti.
    You're feedback was very helpful.

    I appreciate everyone's comments, and bless you Authoress for hosting another great SA contest!

  9. Congratulations to the winners! These were really strong pieces - all made my short list of faves - and I am excited for their authors.

    Thanks to Ms. Chiotti for offering fabulous rewards to the winners, and thanks for inviting queries from those others you expressed an interest in reading.

    Authoress, you are phenomenal. I love, love, love your blog. You deserve a medal for all you do to support authors in their quests for publication.

    Again, congratulations everyone! You earned it!

  10. Congratulations to all the winners! A big thanks to Danielle for the helpful comments and to Authoress for all her work. Love this contest!

  11. Thanks to all of you. I had a blast!

  12. HUGE congratulations to all the winners. I have read one of the entries and I'm so pleased to see it ranked here.

    Hugs and smiles,

  13. Thank you so much, Authoress and Danielle for the opportunity to enter such a fantastic competition.

    I've learned so much from comments made and also from the feedback, not just on my story, but all of the entries. Brilliant stuff!

    Congratulations to the other winners, and also best wishes to all of the writers who entered the competition!

  14. WOW, what news this is to come home to! I'm so happy and honored for HYBRID to have placed second.

    A huge thanks to Authoress for hosting this wonderful contest, and to Ms. Chiotti for donating so much of her time writing up comments for each and every entry! I learned so much just by reading them.

  15. Thanks to everyone who came by and commented on my entry and entertained me with their own. And thanks so much to Ms. Chiotti for her time!

    Congrats to the other winners and good luck to everyone.

    Today was like Christmas in July for me.

    ~ Amy (#2)

  16. Dear Authoress,

    Thank you so much for hosting the Secret Agent contest. It was so much fun.

    And thanks to everyone who commented on my entry. Your comments were most helpful!

    And congratulations to the winners.

  17. Congratulations to all winners! Thanks also to Authoress and Ms. Chiotti. What a great contest. I learned a lot from reading all the feedback. Good luck all.

  18. Congrats to all. I thought there were lots of strong entries.

    And heartfelt thanks to Ms. Chiotti. Your time and comments are greatly appreciated.

  19. Congratulations to the winners! I wish you all luck with your submissions to such a great agent.

  20. This was a great round of SA. Ms. Chiotti's has really raised the bar. Agent crits- wow. Congrats to the winners- very well deserved.

  21. Congrats to all the winners! Awesome :)

  22. Yeah! Congrats. How exciting for you all. Wishing you the best!

  23. Thank you so much for your helpful advice! It was truely invaluable.
