
Monday, July 12, 2010

Submissions Are Now Closed

*faints dead away*

*humbly receives Moron Award*

*searches frantically for cashews or chocolate*

*finds neither*


  1. *hands over big box of chocolate-covered cashews* Thank you so much for working past the glitches!

  2. Authoress, you rock! At the first sign of glitches I generally dive for cover. You? You fix 'em! Cyber mountains of cashews and chocs coming your way :)

  3. But but don't understand. I AM the glitch! o.o

    I made the SAME ERROR this time as I did 2 months ago: I forgot to reset the maximum number to 50 when I extended the contest time.

    I mean, it would be AWFULLY easy to blame the system, but...nope. Can't do it. It's all ME. :P

  4. Okay... um... practise makes perfect? Does that help? No? Have another cyber-choc ;)

    We love you regardless! What would we do without the odd stress spike in our lives?!!

  5. Very exciting!

  6. Does that mean those of us who submitted at 7 PM still have a chance? Hope so! rose who also sends chocolate and cashers. Have you ever tried cashews and M&M's? That is my fave way to eat chocolate and cashews!

  7. Oh, I sure hope us 7pm-ers still have a shot! I got an early alternate.

    Here's some chocolate and caramel covered macadamia nuts... :-)

  8. It just made it all the more exciting. To think I didn't get in and then 'surprise' resubmit came and I was sooooo happy!

    Thank you for offering such a cool contest every month!

  9. Wow, I'm gaining cyper-weight just reading this...

    I'm not mad that you made the mistake...of course that may have to do with the fact that I placed early on, but so what =)

  10. This is my first time entering and I'd just like to say Thank you so much for offering something like this! You deserve all the chocolate and cashews in the world! Good luck to everyone who entered!

  11. Try some double chocolate ice cream under the chocolate cashews. Very tasty.

    Authoress, you are better than the usual cup of coffee to get me started in the morning. It is my source of laughter and my inspiration.

    Love it all while LMAO.
    Now, I'm hungry for some reason.

  12. Luckily I made it in the first round. I'll eat of piece of chocolate in honor of your troubles, Authoress!

  13. *Taps fingers nervously*

    *Waits anxiously*

    *dying a little each second with anticipation*
