
Monday, August 23, 2010

Lotsa Winners!!

Drum roll, please!

THIRD PLACE: a tie between #15: Watcher, and #44: Bowe's Major

THE PRIZE: Ms. McClure would like to read your first 50 pages or the closest break.

SECOND PLACE: #4: The Mistake

THE PRIZE: Ms. McClure would like to read your first 50 pages or the closest break.

FIRST PLACE: #36, Jake, Son of Zeus

THE PRIZE: Ms. McClure would like to read your first 100 pages or the closest break.

Wait, there's more!!

In Ms. McClure's own words (emphasis mine):

Overall I was very pleased with the quality of these submissions, which was much better than what I generally find in my query pile. In addition to the four winners I've chosen, I would also be open to reading material from the following entrants: #6, #10, #17, #18, #20, #31, #37, #41, and #43. I'd love to see 20ish pages from these writers.

Just to be clear, I won't be giving detailed editorial feedback on these submissions, but I will be quite seriously considering them for representation.

CONGRATULATIONS, everyone! Winners, please email me at facelesswords(at) for submission instructions.


  1. Wowsers, tons of winners! Congratulations, all!

  2. she seems like a GREAT secret agent! :o) congrats, all~

  3. I'm on the moon right now!

    My entry was #15 Watcher, which tied for 3rd place!

    Thank you so much, Authoress, for hosting these awesome contests.

    And thank you Ms. McClure, for your participation in this month's Secret Agent contest!

    roh, off to orbit the moon yet again...

  4. Woo-Hoo! This is fantastic. Nice job, everyone! Congrats.

    Happy Monday!!

  5. **doing the Snoopy dance for everyone**

    Thanks, Ms McClure. Thanks Authoress.

    Good crits!

  6. Congratulations to all of the winners! :)

  7. I'm such an idiot sometimes. I was so busy doing my happy dance that I neglected to congratulate the other winners and honorable mentions.

    There were some truly fascinating openings in this contest. Three of my favorites are the other winners, along with a number that placed in the honorable mentions.

    Congratulations to everyone who participated, and thanks again to Authoress and Cameron for hosting such a great contest!

  8. Thanks, everyone! This was too much fun, and I appreciate all the great comments.

  9. Congratulations to all the winners. Thanks Authoress and Cameron- your insight was invaluable.

  10. Write on, people! And thanks to Miss Snark and our wonderful Secret Agent!
