
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Time To Jump In!

And another round begins. Nice variety of offerings--I'm sure you'll enjoy critting!

Entrants, please remember to critique a minimum of 5 entries.

And please don't choose the "ANONYMOUS" setting for your comments. There are four choices for signing your comment. The THIRD choice is "NAME/URL." Please use that one. Type in your screen name; the URL is not necessary.

I've set up the blog to accept all posts, including anonymous ones, to make it as unrestrictive as possible. But please use a screen name--any screen name.

Have fun! Posts will start appearing at 10:00 Eastern.


  1. Thanks so much for all the work you do, Authoress. We appreciate it!

  2. Holy Cow! I've read several submissions and I am floored by the quality.

    These entries are some of the best ever. I don't see how the agent is going to choose.

  3. FYI: Number 32 still has screen name attached.

  4. Thanks! Not sure how that happened. o.o

  5. Tried to critique several other entries, but got a Service Not Available message for them; one I got after I'd written the crit.

    Anybody else have that problem?

  6. YA Writer -- That happened to me repeatedly over Mon/Tues while I was working on fixing formatting on the entries. VERY frustrating. I think Blogger is having a crisis this week. :P

  7. Thanks so much for hosting this contest!

  8. I've left comments on my google screen name. Should I re-post under third choice NAME/URL?

  9. No no, that's fine! I just don't want "anonymous" comments.

  10. Fifteen is considered MG, isn't it? I thought I read 16 started YA, did I misunderstand?

  11. No, RubyRed0. YA is 12 and up. MG is 9 to 12 year old.

  12. Thank you so much. I really messed that one up. I've been using the wrong label for my ms. Silly me. Thanks for answering. ;-)
