
Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Fricassee

Bear with me. I'm waxing mushy this morning.

You're an amazing community of writers. Sometimes I sit here and think about it, and it strikes me how profound the connection is. Many of you nameless, most of you faceless (to me, that is), and yet you are a vibrant entity offering so much, both collectively and, at times, individually.

I get so much back from this blog. Thank you.

Sometimes a long-time lurker will come out from behind the draperies and submit to a Secret Agent contest for the first time. Sometimes a brand new reader will step forward and tell me that my words were exactly what she needed to hear that morning. Sometimes I get an exuberant email about an author's having nabbed an agent as a direct or indirect result of participation with this blog.

I love it all!

Within the large circle of kindred spirits, I've acquired a small circle of writerfriends (yes, it's a word, because I like it) who are my "inner sanctum" -- critters, personal cheerleaders, friends. You know who you are, and I love you.

My writing life is SO MUCH DIFFERENT since this blog was birthed. And a changed writing LIFE leads to changed WRITING.

And that's happened, too.

Anyway, I guess it's been a while since I've gone all schmoopy on you. Yes, this blog takes time and effort and blah blah blah. But the ROI is quadruple what I put into it. Truly.

So thanks. Again! And have an awesome weekend.

(Long-time or short-time lurkers, feel free to leave your very first comment below. *wink*)


  1. Not my first comment, but oh, well... :)

    Anyway, I completely agree that my writing life has changed since I started blogging and actively participating in the online writing community. I've found some wonderful critique partners who have become so much more than that (like help-my-writing-just-got-shredded-and-I-need-some-moral-support partners), and they have forced me to stretch, grow, improve.

    Thanks for all you do, Authoress.

  2. I'm in the category of 'everyday lurker'.

    um...kinda like you too.

  3. This is precious, seriously. But you're the one to thank for everything! I'm one of the "lurkers" who submitted my work for the first time after revising - in large part - to the comments I read here.

    This is such a great place to gain a sense of community and to learn SO much about how to write - how to edit and how to really carve a place in our writing world.

    So thank you, thank you a hundred times again.

  4. I lurked here for a long while before I got brave enough to submit my first 50 words in the first part of this year. Then I participated in the Sept Secret Agent contest. Both experiences were extremely helpful in reconceptualizing my work. The level of critique (and the bs detector here) is higher than some of my writing groups. Truly a unique opportunity. Thank you Authoress, and thanks to all the people who routinely and not so routinely comment on contest entries!

  5. I can't tell you how much the feedback on this site has helped me. You're the best!

  6. Wish I could tell you how I found the site. Used to read Miss Snark and think I was hunting her archives. Either way, I know this must be a ton of work but you've done a great job with the site and I plan to participate more often now. Thanks a lot.

  7. Lurking helps you learn. But not without amazing content. There is a reason that so many of us congregate here. It's far and above the best place to be right now, for all of us.

  8. Just found your site! I love good finds, don't you? Love the secret agent concept. Looking forward to lurking for awhile until I work up enough gumption to participate. Thanks!

  9. (((hugs))) I remember the first day I found your blog and how excited I was. You've done a really nice thing here for everyone. Thank you!

  10. this isn't my first comment. I drop by here all the time but I usually don't comment. Just wanted to say you've done a fabulous job with the cite. Thanks for doing it :)

  11. oops I meant site* not cite. I was thinking about the citations for the essay I should be writing right now..

  12. Hi! *waving*

    My first comment, but I'm not sure I qualify as a "long-time" lurker, but I didn't just get here either...

    Maybe I'm a Mid-Lurker! LOL

    Anyway, this is a fabulous blog and I really appreciate all your efforts!!!

    Lisa :)

  13. I cannot count the times I've gotten priceless help from your blog, Authoress!
    Thanks so much for all you do. :)

  14. A big thank you from me too. This is my number one go-to site. And not just the SA contests - which are great and I've participated in two - but the sharing of writer to writer. Writing is such a solitary task - it's nice to know there are others out there experiencing the same challenges and frustrations. And good to know some of them are succeeding!

    Glad to hear you benefit too Authoress, because you certainly deserve something for your time and effort :)

  15. You are amazing, Authoress, and I'm a humble fan. I love lurking around your blog and read each and every post. You make a real difference to we writers building confidence in ourselves. Stay fabulous!

  16. I keep lurking hoping one day you'll open it to picture book submissions... ;)

  17. Hi Authoress!

    What you've created here is amazing.

    Thank you, for all the time and hard work you put into it - not to mention a few bits of your sanity, I'm sure.

    I can't wait to enter a Secret Agent contest. Soon. Very soon.

    Have a beautiful weekend.

    *Shauna scampers off to work on her ms*

  18. I know the feedback I've received from the two SA contests I've entered are part of what helped me land my agent. Thanks to everyone in this community who comments and of course, bless you, Authoress!

  19. You're amazing yourself! I fall under the noob submitter, and it's been a fantastic experience. I've improved my first 250 already with just the one post. The input is valuable, even if it goes no further with Secret Agent. I'm glad you're getting at least as much back as we're getting from you ;)

  20. Long-term lurker here, coming out of the woodwork for my first comment. I love this blog. I've been waiting for a Secret Agent that I can actually enter, and I'm even working on my logline for the Very Special Something coming up!

    So yeah, I just wanted to say hi.

  21. Dear Authoress,

    This isn't my first comment. My first was to congratulate you for MSFV being judged as one of the 101 best Web sites for writers(another feather in your red hat). I love hats, myself. And I double-doff my favorite burgundy velvet picture hat to you. You have done and continue to do a world of good for aspiring authors. I always look forward to your posts. I find it amazing that your blog hasn't earned a film deal yet. This is so much more interesting and heartwarming than the blog-turned-film of that Julia Childs wannabe.
    Thank you so much again for your generosity and creativity. I sincerely hope that you'll find your dream agent someday soon.

  22. I totally agree! The online writing community boggles my mind continuously with its generosity, kindness and support. Beautiful, beautiful people!

  23. I'm an occassional commenter...always a lurker. :) I read your posts via email every time you post. I've never entered a secret agent post, but have entered two of your critiques. I think they were fifty word ones. I learned a lot from them. :) I appreciate all the hard work you put into your blog. Thanks! Have a super weekend!

  24. The strength of this blog is that you've used a simple idea to develop a strong community of writers. I've entered two secret agents and found the critiques tough but very fair. Exactly what is needed. You do a great job. Thanks also for catering to those of us who live down under.

  25. I love this blog and have been following it for a long time. I discover something new with every contest, every post; Something that moves me along in my ambition to become a multiple-published writer. Thanks Authoress that you put so much work in this blog. It's great fun and very helpful.

  26. Not my first, but I haven't commented in awhile. Because I'm furiously trying to finish edits for a submission to an agent who expressed interest when I participated in a "First X Words" event here!

    You are awesome, Authoress. Thank you for this site.

  27. I participated in a few Secret Agent competitions and entered the drop the needle and first 1000 word events as well last year so I am not new here, but I am on the email list so I read every post and occasionally comment. This is such a great blog, with so much information, encouragement and feedback. I recommend it to every aspiring writer! I'm still revising my novels and haven't started to query yet, but when I do, I know they will be far better than what I might have submitted before I found MSFV. If -- when -- I am published, this site and authoress will get acknowledgment!

  28. I discovered Ms Snark's blog in fall of 2006, while researching the ever changing business side of writing. It became my favorite online writer place. Fast forward to now. As of end September, I am online again daily to research the ever changing business side of writing. Did a search on Ms Snark to find the archives, in loving memory, and stumbled across a link to her First Victim. LOL. It's my new favorite online writer place. (great family, those Snarks). I have questions about commenting here: do you prefer a linked name for comments? I did some searches, but didn't find anything on that. Thought I'd roll up my sleeves and start commenting, had trouble signing in for a few days, but if this works, it's sorted out.
    Thank-you Authoress, for combining the art and business of writing in a practical, necessary, and fun way.

  29. I'm a longtime lurker and this is my very first comment here, so thank YOU Authoress for having such an amazing site :)

  30. Longtime lurker over here. I was involved when I first found your blog, but I ended up spending all of my writing time hanging around, so I dropped out to do some major work. I haven't reemerged yet, but I hope to soon. =) Well, while I'm here--your blog is so helpful, whether it's a piece of advice, or just some entertainment to break up the day, that email in my inbox is one of the few I read all the way through. =) Thank you for running this awesome blog!

  31. I'm a lurker too, and really should comment more. Thanks for the work you put into this blog!

  32. This isn't my first comment either, but even though I stop by almost every morning, I can probably count the number of comments on one hand. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for all you do. =o)
