
Monday, October 25, 2010

Our Next Logline Critique Tomorrow

It's THRILLING to see how much positive came out of last week's logline crit.

I'm opening submissions on TUESDAY at 7:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time for the next 25 log lines.

Format as follows:

SCREEN NAME: (type it here)
TITLE: (type it here)
GENRE: (type it here)

(Type your logline here. Please note: Don't type any personal messages to Authoress here. While I certainly appreciate the humanness of such messages, my bot can't tell the difference.)

As always, submissions go to authoress.submissions(at)

Submissions will remain open until we've got 25 entries. PLEASE DO NOT ENTER IF YOU WERE IN LAST WEEK'S CRIT ROUND. This is going to have to be the honor system. Let's give our fellow writers a chance to have their work critiqued.

Please figure out your own time zone difference. I have no idea. I use Eastern because that's NYC's time zone. Do the math accordingly. (I am a math moron. Do not rely on me.)

The crits will post first thing Wednesday morning.

Questions below!


  1. I'm far away from family in friends in many different time zones.


    helps me out a lot. Don't even have to puzzle over daylight savings :)

  2. Yay for your awesome contests. I can't quit you, Authoress.

  3. Yay, Authoress, for doing it at that time. :D

    And thanks for doing this so we're ready for the big event!

  4. I'm in class at that time, but I'll try to send from my phone. We'll see if it works.

    Now--this is going to seem silly, but what is a screen name in this context? The name I post under when I leave comments? Something else? I'm kind of a newbie here, don't mind me...

  5. I sincerely apologize if this question has already been answered elsewhere, but is this log line critique merely for people who have a complete manuscript ready to query?

  6. SS--Thanks for the awesome link!

    Jess--You're right. It's just the name you use when posting comments.

    Emy--Well, I'm doing these logline crits to help folks get ready for the upcoming Agent Auction, which is for completed, query-ready manuscripts only. So writers should bear in mind that, should they enter this critique round without actually having a completed manuscript, they are taking a spot from someone else who might actually be eligible for the contest.

    I have no way to monitor this, of course. I'm just sayin'.

  7. I see. Thank you for taking the time to answer me! I'm forgoing the log line critique -- but thank you for putting these together. I'm looking forward to reading all the log lines. :)

  8. Thanks Authoress! My finger will be hovering over the send button tomorrow afternoon! (Well, that is if I can get my logline in shape by then - big if)

  9. Authoress, will there be another round of logline crits after this one? I won't even get home until 7:45 eastern tomorrow night, and I'd hate to miss out entirely!

  10. I'd love to enter but I probably won't be home in time and this could really help me since I want to enter the agent auction. Any chance of doing another round maybe a little later in the evening?

  11. Looking forward to it. Hopefully my alarm wakes me up:)
