
Monday, October 11, 2010

Submissions Are Now Open



  1. Well I'm confused. I did exactly as the guidelines requested and got a disqualification email. Something about my Screen name, Title, and Genre wasn't right. I even typed it in instead of cutting and pasting. Can you elaborate as to what I did wrong?

  2. Alicia,

    Type your Screen name, title, and genre into your email BY HAND. Do not copy and paste. Make sure each has a colon behind it:

    SCREEN NAME: here
    TITLE: here
    GENRE: here

    That should solve it.

  3. It worked. Must have been the spacing or something. Thanks!

  4. Love the new look to the blog, Authoress. :D

    Good luck to everyone who enters!

  5. Wow! Have we not reaached twenty-five yet?

  6. I wonder. I was #21 at around 1:25 pm EDT though Authoress says the contest closes whether she posts about it or not. Not sure if that holds true if we don't reach 25.

  7. I just got in at #23. The rules state 2 hours or until 25 entries.


  8. Believe it or not, we haven't. This ALWAYS happens when I don't accept SF/F. Which leads me to believe that 4 out of every 5 writers is writing SF/F. Including me. ;P

  9. No kidding! Not that I have any other manuscripts spilling out of the drawer, but that's good to know :) Even though I tore home from school, positive that I'd miss the 25 entry cutoff and then need an absolute miracle to sneak in at the 7 pm call. :)

  10. Ah, but your persistance is admirable, and, if you are following your passion, it will get you there eventually! Good Luck!

  11. Authoress, I feel totally lame, but I sent mine right as you posted submissions were open. I haven't received a confirmation or rejection- did something get goofed?

    If so, I'll resend during the second window. Thanks!

  12. Check your spam box. The bot ALWAYS sends a reply, whether you were rejected or accepted. If there's nothing in there, re-send, making sure you got the right email address. (authoress.submissions(at)

  13. Yes, thank you, Jen! And the best of luck to you as well!

    I'm really looking forward to checking out this crop of commercial adult fiction we'll have going on.

  14. I might be showing my ignorance here but is paranormal romance a part of SF/F? I looked it up and read that it is part of the "romance genre" but it also says it focuses on "sf/f".

  15. Dear Authoress, as always my best wishes and I love the new look. I had to check twice to make sure I found the right home! I was surprised the contest was still open? Do I take that to mean no sf/f for YA either or the ranks would be filled? really need to find the time for that mystery in my hopper... :-)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. W Bloc -- Go ahead and resubmit. I've opened submissions one final time so you can squeak in. :)

  19. Hi Authoress,
    I originally sent my submission in the second group using the actual screen name etc. This morning (I'm on the west coast) I discovered the rejection in the junk pile after reading some comments here. I corrected using SCREEN NAME: etc and am hoping you still have room. If not, I'm still with you, you're great.
