
Monday, November 8, 2010

Submissions Are Now Open

Let Round Two begin!


  1. Um, if we make the cut-off, but did not paste the last two lines of our entry into the email...can we re-send?

    Can't believe I did that...


  2. Never mind...I had to resend because my signature added to the word count, so I was able to include all the lines.

    Hope I got mine in on time.

    Thanks for doing this!!!

  3. After one rejection, I made it in this time...halleluia! I can breathe now after the 11 rejections this morning! LOL

  4. Well, I tried three times. First two times said the word countn was too high (though it was at 235), so I tried to delete Screen Name, etc and then got a rejected because that was left out.

    Oh, well - I tried. :)

  5. Sharla - how did you get yours to fit? I did save as plain text, the word count was under 255, so I'm out of ideas.


  6. Type up the page exactly as it should appear then print it out. Use that to type everything fresh in a new email then send. It worked for me and I just got in. Hope this helps.

    Thanks again for doing all of this for us.


  7. Yes, exactly... It was a painful process today, but I had to retype from scratch into an email in 'plain text' format. Then go to the top and type in the screen name, etc., and then it still rejected, so I forwarded that message, deleted the extra stuff, typed the headers again...and it took. Crazy. But now I know how to do it next time, I guess.

  8. Hey, I sent mine in .txt and got an email saying my name etc wasn't on there...but I triple checked it and it def. was... :(

  9. The screen name, etc., has to be typed EXACTLY like this, with colons:

    SCREEN NAME: type it here
    TITLE: type it here
    GENRE: type it here

  10. Yay! I followed everyone's advice Typing it directly in the email did the trick!

    Thanks for your help, everyone - :)

  11. took mine on the first attempt. damn time zones usually kick my arse (pac girl)

  12. Dear Authoress,
    Somewhere in your blog history somebody probably already said this, if so I apologize.

    If the second group of the contest didn't fill up, have you considered the first group's overruns, if any?

    My computer clock seemed at least six seconds ahead of GMT or EDT from webistes dedicated to the right time. Anybody relying on their computer clock, if they have one like mine, might have clicked early and lost out.

  13. Hi Locksley--

    The entire thing is automated; I don't even see the entries come in. If I started checking the database for early/late entrants, etc., I'd end up doing work by hand again, which is exactly what I DON'T want to be doing. ;)

    At any rate, the first group did fill up.

  14. Hi Authoress,
    I agree with you. The automation has made your site better, which is obvious from all the other extra activities. You're great. I only meant to suggest to the others to not use their computer clocks or at least check their internal clocks against a GMT or EDT website and also that if they feel they lost out for any reason related to time, they could still enter the second group.

    Thanks again.

  15. Yes, I do need to keep reminding people to NOT wait for the blog post, and to check a reliable time zone site, and also to bear in mind any server lag (which is inevitable and unpredictable).

    I think the agent auction is going to be scary. ;P

  16. Do you count the SCREEN NAME, etc as part of the word count? I'm the one that had trouble submitting the entry for this month's contest. I did make it in after a few tries - I had to bring the word count for my excerpt to 135 for it to take. Just want to be sure I have everything in place for later this month. :)

