
Monday, February 7, 2011

Submissions Are Now Open

Go, go, go!

ETA: Submissions will close automatically when the 25 slots have been filled.  The second window will open at 7:00 PM EST.


  1. Kendal Ashby
    Trouble at Trinity
    YA Contemporary

    I didn’t wear mascara to my brother’s funeral.

    I’d learn that lesson last year at Mom and Dad’s when I looked like a psychotic racoon within minutes of the service starting. Not that it would matter. Even though my chest burned, and my stomach curdled with acid, I couldn’t cry.

    Why hadn’t I cried over Sam death yet? It had taken me three months to crawl out of bed after we’d buried Mom and Dad, but everything was different with Sam. I couldn’t cry. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t function. I think I worried my roommates, Liv and Josh. Liv thought I was in shock over his so-called suicide. Maybe she was right, maybe I was in shock but most likely, I was just too pissed off to grieve for him.

    Suicide? Yeah, fucking right. I squinted as a streak of bright sunlight gleamed off the mahogany coffin and blinded me. I slid on my sunglasses.

    Coffin. Sam’s coffin. He was in there.

    I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out the image that formed of him laying in there in the suit and jacket he hated so much. God, it must be hot inside the coffin.

    Behind the safety of the dark tinted lenses, my attention drifted over the crowded service. The wrinkled old minister’s fingers trailed across the pages of his well-worn bible as he spoke in a monotone voice.

    For me his words were nothing more than faded dreams never to be experienced again.

  2. Kendal - not the right place to submit. See Authoress' instructions in a post last week. You need to email your work.

  3. Good luck everyone! Looking forward to read the usual awesome submissions!

  4. Oops sorry. Thanks for letting me know.

  5. Yay, I made it in!!!!

  6. Hmm, haven't received a response back and it's been 24 minutes. Don't know whether to resend or just continue to wait for an email.

  7. Check your spam box, Jennifer. The bot always sends an automatic response.

    The first window is now closed; if you resend, you will get a "contest full" message.

  8. Hope I made it also, Jennifer. Wish us both luck!

  9. I'm firmly in the SFF genre, so this one's not for me. Good luck to all those participating.

  10. Thank you authoress. I checked my spam box, no message. Also checked to make sure address sent to was correct. Maybe my email was really slow delivering it. I'll just have to try again the next window. Thanks.

  11. I submitted based on the oringal post genre (from last week) which included Adult Commercial and I did not realize it had changed. I was accepted today, so if necessary you may replace mine with one of the appropriate genres. Kills me to say it, but I wanna be fair.


  12. Thanks duluonzo, I neglected to see the genre and sent in something inappropriate. Well it was not accepted so at least I have taken someone's spot.

    Better luck next time :)

  13. duluonzo,

    Thank you. That's why I take alternates; to take the place of redacted entries. So we're covered!

  14. Thanks Florence and Authoress. Something good will come of this honesty, right? Ahhh, man. I was so ready, so excited for the opportunity.

  15. Aww, just entered and my post was 39. :P Had my timer on and everything. Good luck to all who got in!

  16. Michelle, I think that means you got in!
