
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Our One and Only June Crit, Now Underway!

And here come the What's Broken? excerpts!  Entrants, please critique a minimum of two other entries.  Everyone else, please remember to sign in with a screen name (don't choose "anonymous" when you leave your comment).

I'm trusting that this round will be as helpful to the authors as last month's round.

Allow me to apologize ahead of time for Blogger glitches.  In short, if you find you're having trouble leaving a comment, it's probably not your fault--and it's probably not something I can fix.  It's just that Blogger is fickle, you see.

No, you don't need to have a Blogger account.  Or any other account.  Just choose the "Name/URL" option and type in your screen name.  It's that simple!


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