
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July Secret Agent Early Info

Please note: This is NOT the call for submissions! The contest will open next Monday, July 11.

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES (please read carefully):

* There will be TWO SEPARATE SUBMISSION WINDOWS. Each window will be open for 2 hours and will receive a maximum of 25 entries. This is to accommodate my other-side-of-the-globe readers.
* SUBMISSION WINDOW #1: Monday, July 11, NOON to 2:00 PM EDT or 25 entries, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST.
* SUBMISSION WINDOW #2: Monday, July 11, 7:00 to 9:00 PM EDT or 25 entries, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST.
* 2 alternates will be chosen from the second submission window.
* PLEASE NOTE: You are responsible for figuring out your own time zone. "Time Zone differences" are NOT a reason for not getting your entry in.
* Submissions received before the contest opens will be rejected.
* Submissions are for COMPLETED MANUSCRIPTS ONLY. If you wouldn't want an agent to read the entire thing, DON'T SEND IT. If an "entire thing" doesn't exist, you shouldn't even be reading these rules.
* Manuscripts THAT HAVE BEEN IN A SECRET AGENT CONTEST DURING THE PAST SIX MONTHS (January-June) will not be accepted.
* You may submit A DIFFERENT MANUSCRIPT if you've participated in any previous Secret Agent contests.
* Only ONE ENTRY per person per contest. If you send more than one, your subsequent entry(ies) will be rejected.
* If you are a PAST WINNER (i.e., offered any kind of prize from a Secret Agent), please DO NOT ENTER THIS CONTEST. (Unless it's a different manuscript.)
* Submissions are for THE FIRST 250 WORDS of your manuscript. Please do not stop in the middle of a

Your submission for this contest should be formatted EXACTLY as follows:

SCREEN NAME: Your Screen Name Here
TITLE: Your Title Here
GENRE: Your Genre Here

(Followed by the excerpt here.)

* No "chapter one," chapter titles, etc.
* You will receive a confirmation email with your post number.
* Submissions go to authoress.submissions(at) They DO NOT GO to my facelesswords address. Or any other address.
*PLAIN TEXT is your best bet! And if you receive a rejection notice that claims you didn't include TITLE, etc., please TYPE THE SCREEN NAME, TITLE, AND GENRE BY HAND and resubmit. (In other words, don't copy and paste that part.)
*It doesn't matter what you put in the subject line. The only thing you MUST NOT do is to use "RE:" The bot will think you are attempting to respond to an email, and will reject you.

As always, there is no fee to enter the Secret Agent contest.

This month's contest will include the following genres:

  • Adult fiction, all genres except humor (fiction only; no narrative non-fiction)
  • YA fiction, all genres (please note: no MG!)
Questions below!


  1. Sounds like a plan. Now let's see if I can remember to submit and if I can crawl in through one of the open windows. =o)

  2. Am I right in assuming the sci-fi/fantasy is included in the adult fiction this time?

  3. Heck yes it's included! (Right? Right?) This is the first time I'll be able to enter--thanks!

  4. Does the First Kiss Critique Round count, or can I enter this one? I don't remember if that was an agent contest or not.


  5. Charity -- In-house crits don't count. First kiss was in-house, so you're good to go. :)

    And, um, "all genres" means just that. ALL. Yay SFF!

  6. just wondering how this time-zone effect comes into play for those of us in the USA? what time zone do we need to be entering things in, west coast, east coast or somewhere in between? thanks!

  7. Is this EDT New York time? There a 4 different EDT time zones :-/

  8. EDT = Eastern Daylight Time, which is NYC. :)

  9. Thank you! :o) Seriously, there are more than one. haha. Please don't think I'm stupid! :o) I got my info from the online world clock and there are four EDTs (Australian, Caribbean, North America, and Pacific).

  10. I have a stupid question :) Is there a buffer on the word limit so that we can complete the final sentence? Mine ends up being 252 - will that be an autoreject?

    Thanks for running these contests!!

  11. There is a 5 word buffer, so you're good to go. Make sure you send in plain text format.

  12. 5 word buffer--I'll either have to post 9 words under or 10 words over...
