
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Success Stories Abound...

You know, at this rate, I may have to institute a weekly share-the-success-story-email post!

Feast your eyes:

Hey Authoress!

I'm going to be a published author. I won a MSFV contest way back and a first chapter critique, which was incredibly encouraging when I was aspiring. Then, after getting my agent, I was really grappling with the first chapter of my story, 'INSIGNIA', so I did the agented author critique. That motivated me to come up with the current beginning-- the right beginning.

A little bit later, I got my first book deal with that story.

INSIGNIA, the story of a teenage video gamer who becomes a government weapon in a futuristic world at war. (Summer of 2012, Katherine Tegen Books)

S.J. Kincaid


  1. Wow, congrats! You're gonna have to start collecting commissions, A.

  2. LOVE reading these kinds of stories!!!

  3. Yay! This blog is so encouraging. :)

  4. I was excited to see this post. SF Kincaid is my old crit partner and the person who told me about MSFV over a year ago. She's an extremely talented writer, and I'm not surprised she's gone this far in her career.

  5. That's brilliant. I can't wait to read the book.

  6. Thanks for the congrats, everyone! And thank -you- Authoress!

    I hope the story's encouraging. This is an amazing blog, and it really gave me some incredible help along the way. (As did awesome critique partners like Stina...)

  7. YAY, SJ! I can't wait for your book to come out! :)

