
Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday Fricassee

First of all, a big thank you to everyone who entered the beta round this week.  The lottery went off without a hitch, and the formatting issues were minimal.  (Prior to this, I'd been spending a lot of time fixing weird, quirky errors that made me want to scratch the skin off my face.)

The number of critiques is fairly low, so if you have time over the weekend, I encourage you to stop by and critique a few of the entries.  Just because, well, if it were you, you'd probably like to have more than 5 or 6 responses, yes?

If yours is one of the entries, the standard nice-thing-to-do around here is to critique a minimum of 5 other entries.  The mutual backscratch thing.

I'm pleased with how smoothly things ran.  And I'm feeling confident that the Baker's Dozen submissions will NOT send me over the sanity cliff.

I think.

Speaking of which:  I am going to post the Baker's Dozen schedule next week.  This includes the logline practice rounds, submission dates for adult and children's novels (they will be separate), and dates for the actual auction.  It's all coming up rather quickly!  The auction will go live on Tuesday, December 6, and ideally I want to have the winning entries ready to go before Thanksgiving.

So, yeah.  Lots to keep on top of!  14 agents have given me a definite YES, and I'm still waiting to hear from a few.  The administrative part of me is having a geek fest.

Much to look forward to!  Thanks for being such a great community.


  1. I can't remember how it went down last year: Will we get to see a list of agents involved (at least the definites)? I'm in the middle of querying, and I'd hate to take a spot from somebody only to find that most/all of the agents have already seen my stuff :-)

  2. I'll be by over the weekend to catch up on some critiques :-)

  3. Adam -- Yep, I will post the list of participating agents before submissions open. :)

  4. Thank you for creating this community, Authoress!

  5. So, SO excited for Baker's Dozen! I can't believe how organized you are for something that's happening three months from now. I bow to your skills.

  6. This new submission process is great. I entered and did not get in, but as you said it went smoothly. Thanks for all the effort you're putting in to make this whole process even better than it already was. You're a gem!I just can't wait for the Baker's Dozen!

  7. For some reason, I can only access the first four submissions of "Talking Heads." Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

  8. I'm excited about the Baker's Dozen, too. Can't wait to see the schedule. :)

  9. Wow, thanks for all the effort you put into this. i can't wait for the Agent Auction!

  10. I am so so so excited for the Baker's Dozen! Thanks so much for all of your hard work! :)
