
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Second Annual BAKER'S DOZEN AGENT AUCTION Schedule

Here it is, folks.  (Yes.  It was either force myself to get uber-organized, or curl up in a corner and pluck my eyelashes out.) Mark your calendars!


Each Baker's Dozen entry is required to have a logline.  We will have 3 critique rounds for those of you who would like feedback on your loglines prior to submitting.  These rounds will be run as lotteries.  Times TBA.

ROUND 1:  Tuesday, September 27
ROUND 2:  Tuesday, October 4
ROUND 3:  Tuesday, October 11


ADULT ROUND 1: Tuesday, October 18 (100 entries)
ADULT ROUND 2:  Thursday, October 20 (100 entries)
YA/MG ROUND 1:  Tuesday, November 1 (150 entries)
YA/MG ROUND 2:  Thursday, November 3 (150 entries)


25 adult category winners notified via email:  Monday, November 14
35 YA/MG category winners notified via email:  Monday, November 21

60 WINNING ENTRIES POSTED:  Friday, December 2

AUCTION GOES LIVE FOR AGENTS:  Tuesday, December 6 (for 24 hours)


  • There will be an $8 entry fee for this contest.  Payment will not be required until after your submission goes through (so you're not, yanno, paying for nothing).
  • A maximum of 500 entries (200 adult, 300 YA/MG) will be accepted.  Of these, 60 winners will be chosen (25 adult, 35 YA/MG).
  • If the maximum number of adult entries isn't reached, the remainder will be added to the YA/MG entry maximum (because you know as well as I do that I'm going to be inundated with kidlit).
  • The 60 winning entries will receive critique from editors, authors, and blog readers, in addition to being on the auction block for our participating agents.
  • The (up to) 440 non-winning entries will be given the option to receive critique on participating blog sites after the auction has closed.
  • A percentage of the fee is earmarked for a donation of YA/MG books to my local library (which, sadly, has one of the worst selections of YA/MG I've ever seen).  Given anonymously, of course. *grin*
  • Currently, we have 14 agents who have given us a firm YES.  And 2 amazing editors.  Names of participating agents (and critiquing editors and authors) will be posted as soon as they are finalized.
  • Just a reminder that there will be no Secret Agent contest in November.  October's SA will run as planned.  And, yes.  You may enter the October SA and still submit to the Baker's Dozen auction. Unless you win the SA contest, of course.
Whew!  Please let me know if I've forgotten anything.  (But please don't ask specific submission questions.  I'll be posting detailed submission instructions later.)

Spread the word.  Invite your friends.  And start working on your loglines!


  1. Is the $8 fee applicable to the 500 or just the 60?

  2. The 500. It's an administrative fee.

  3. What are the guides for the loglines? One sentence only? More than one okay?

  4. Tina, it's usually one sentence, but sometimes not. I'll be going over all that very soon, or you can check the archives for last year's logline critiques and posts. :)

  5. *crosses fingers that the book will be ready in time, then uncrosses them when he realizes it's impossible to type with crossed fingers*

  6. Can we participate if we've done a SA contest within the last 6 months?

  7. Anon -- yes, you may! Unless you were a winner. In which case, you will have to submit a different manuscript.

  8. Can we submit more than one of our manuscripts?

  9. so it's submit a logline and then if it is chosen, we submit a sample size? or is the contest on the logline?

  10. Will the entry limits for the Baker's Dozen itself be first-submitted, first-served, or will the 300 YA/MG entries be chosen via lottery?

    I see that the October SA winner won't be able to submit, but are other past SA winners also ineligible?

    Thank you so much for putting this on - the entry fee will be well worth it!

  11. Unmanageably excited about this!

  12. I can't believe it's been a year already. I'm so excited!

  13. How can we pay the entry fee? Hopefully another option rather than Paypal? Because I had a really bad experience with Paypal and cancelled my account.

  14. Two questions:

    Are participants from last year's Baker's Dozen eligible to enter this year? (I assume it would need to be a different manuscript.)

    Are past SA winners, same manuscript, eligible to enter? Last year they were, I checked last year's announcement to be sure, but one of your comments above makes me think now they might not be.

  15. i am so totally pumped up about this! Let it begin!!

  16. I know you're just going to delete this comment, but I'll try to keep you honest one last time.

    I still think charging for your contest is unethical and I've no doubt the increase in entries is directly related to the $4000.00 dollar profit.

    And what do writers get? Nothing. Not a guarantee they're in the contest. Just a promise that maybe an agent might bid on the right to read some work. There is no first place, no real prize.

    How is this any different than Author House promising to get books under the noses of editors?

    There are ways to make this an ethical contest.

    Please do not do this.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. anonymous, i think she makes it clear that the $8 fee is only charged IF and WHEN your entry gets chosen. all the other contests on this site are free. this is a big shot at having more than one agent/editor look at your work, as opposed to just one, like the secret agent contests, if i understand it correctly. at least $8 is a whole lot cheaper than spending $100 on a writer's conference, which will probably have to be the next step in the writing journey for those of us who don't get any bids in the contest.

  19. i think i was wrong, anonymous! sorry about that. but i still think it'll be worth the $8!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.
