
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September Secret Agent #35

GENRE: Middle Grade Fantasy

On the day the National Gossiper made me a tabloid cover girl, I woke to find a fairy prying open my left eye. I admit I'm used to witnessing weirdness. I do live in Hollywood after all. But this was over the top, even for me. So, while I could clearly see a plump Oompa Loompa-sized creature with opalescent wings hovering above my bed, my brain was convinced I was hallucinating.

The fairy let go of my eyelid and grunted. "Hunh. I could have sworn you were faking," she said, the beating of her wings lifting a few strands of my hair into the air.

"Unh?" I groaned. A hair drifted down and stuck to the drool on my cheek. I opened my other eye and blinked a couple of times. The fairy looked at me over black rhinestone-studded cat-eye glasses. She had canary yellow hair done up in an enormous beehive that looked like she used it to store the contents of her purse—pens, lipstick tubes, and a pack of gum were sticking out in various places. She was wearing a lime green spandex jumpsuit with black racing stripes down the sides and she smelled like a mixture of bubble gum and Aqua Net hairspray.

"Are you Avery Alexandra Faye?" the fairy asked.

"Um, yeah," I said, staring at the black utility belt around her waist. It was loaded with an arsenal of complicated gizmos that looked pretty sinister for someone who was shedding glitter all over my bedspread.


  1. I love this! I don't have anything to say but LOVED IT! You had me snickering in a few places and I could totally visualize what was going on. Good luck! <3

  2. Loved the humor! I felt like I was in the room with this over-sized over-the-top fairy. The bee-hive hairdo and Aqua Net hairspray had me laughing out loud. I didn't sense her age, in fact, I imagined Avery older. But I would keep on reading! Nice.

  3. I loved this. Had me laughing the whole time. Good job!

  4. This is very strong. I actually have it on submission so I'm not going to comment further right now.

  5. Loved this, too! So fun. :) Definitely hooked. Great piece!

  6. This is great! I loved the descriptions and already love the fairy. The "Hunh" kinda reminded me of Lula from Stephanie Plum :D
    Ninja Girl

  7. this is great. I love it. Very humorous and creative, clearly written. I'm hooked.

  8. Love it. Wondering why she was on the National Gossiper though...

  9. I really liked this, especially the last line. I had trouble imagining a fairy the size of an Ooompa-Loompa though!
