
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Serious Problem :(

I accidentally set the maximum entries at 50 instead of 100.  So the contest filled up in 6 minutes and folks have started receiving CONTEST FULL messages.

The contest is not full!  I reset the numbers and closed and reopened the contest, but for some reason it's still spitting out the CONTEST FULL messages.

DON'T GIVE UP! I have to wait until Michael wakes up to beg him to fix things for me (he's on the west coast).



  1. Believe me, we understand having tech difficulties. Thanks for all your hard work!

  2. We won't hold it against you. This time. ;) I do stuff like this all the time. I'm pretty sure I shouldn't allowed near a computer...unfortunately, carrier pigeon isn't as prompt.

  3. That's funny. It's good to keep us on our toes - keeps us sharp and flexible. So just keep resubmitting? Will you let us know when it really is full?

  4. You all rock.

    Just keep trying. Not just yet, as Michael is still not showing up online. But eventually we'll get this sorted out!

  5. just making sure that those of us who did pay/get an entry number don't have to re-submit, as well? are we locked in? i hope so!

  6. Wake up Michael!!

    This is why I'm getting an Ipad for Christmas.

    Authoress - you rock too. We've all done this kind of thing. Some of us more than once!

  7. Can you make a whole new contest/setup that will accept another 50 entries intead of modifying the old one?

    You'll get it, you rock like that ^_^

  8. Heather -- Those of you who submitted and paid (50 of you) are good to go. No worries!

    Loralie -- I could, but I don't want to because that would negate the "1 entry per person" thing, as the bot wouldn't know if any of the new entrants had sent something to the old contest. :(

  9. (big sigh of relief...) Thanks! Maybe you could open a time window tomorrow for those who got shut out early today? I have no idea w/the techie details, but you're just awesome for attempting this massive thing, regardless!

  10. OMG (sobs) It's 4am where I live! Um... gimme Michael's number, I'll ring him!! hehe

    (shrugs) Hey ho. Life, eh?! I'll try again later.

    You still rock, Authoress :)

  11. Thanks for everything you are doing authoress.
    Maybe you could just increase Thursday's cut off to 150 instead

  12. Great suggestion, Peta. I'd like to participate but I can't for the next few hours, so a higher number Thursday would help a lot.

  13. It just worked guys!!! Yahoo Authoress and Michael.

  14. YES! I made it! Good Luck Everyone!

  15. Loralie -- FYI, your entry is marked "unpaid." It won't be added to the database until your registration fee goes through. ;)

  16. Just wanted to check if it matters that my payment was made from my husband's paypal account? This is my first time doing something like this so it's all very new and scary and you all sound so grown up :)

  17. Awwww! Yeah, that's fine; it doesn't matter where your payment comes from.

  18. Awwww! Yeah, that's fine; it doesn't matter where your payment comes from.
