
Monday, November 7, 2011

Adult Winners Have Been Emailed

If you have not received an email from me, yours is not among the winning entries.

THANK YOU ALL for entering your work.  Choosing 25 winners was not an easy task.  (We actually miscounted and ended up with 26, and had to go back...ohhhh the pain!)


  1. Yes, with my mug shot, I'll be the first to admit: I didn't make the cut. Oh well. What "poor me" obsession should I escape into ...
    I know there are at least another 150 entrants who are checking all their email accounts, in denial of which address they submitted, double checking spam, junk and deleted folders.
    Good luck to all those who made it. And to all those who didn't, keep finding another way.

  2. Didn't make the cut. Thanks Authoress, you are doing a great job.

    It was worth a try! Best wishes to those that entered (whether 'in' or 'out').

  3. From another who didn't make it. Thank you, Authoress. Congrats to all who are in. For the rest - don't give up! (And try not to cry in front of your 2 year old)... LOL

  4. Also didn't make it. But thankful for the opportunity and wishing everyone well. Now, to figure out if I scrap this book and write another, to put an end to my OCD querying on this thing!

  5. From another who didn't make it, but is still grateful for the chance. Thanks for all you do, Authoress!

  6. Didn't make it either, but I choose to believe I was number 26. ;-)

    Thanks for the opportunity!

    Best of luck all who made the cut.

  7. I like Kim's attitude! (from another non-winner)

  8. Authoress, I can't imagine your emotions. On the way back from driving my daughter to get fingerprinted for a YMCA job, I realized that you held in your hands the power to help a dream ... or not.
    You probably never would have guessed that starting this blog would put you in such a powerful position.
    Kudos to you for your gumption and ingenuity. We should all jump into a chocolate pool together.

  9. You make me smile! Yay, for Jodi mitts! Yay, for a lot of things...we just have to keep remembering them! : )

  10. Ya know- I love the attitude here! *stands up* Yup another "didn't make the cut gal" here- but I'm proud to stand with such amazing folks! Reading your comments made me feel a bit better :).

    I do wish all the ones who made it the best of luck!

  11. Another one who didn't make the cut :(

    Geez, where are all the lucky winners - you'd think they would be excited or something! :)

  12. ^ what everyone before me said. But a HUGE congratulations to the 25 who made the cut, and thank you, Authoress for all your work ^_^

  13. I also didn't make the cut, but I am happy to have had the opportunity.

  14. Come on those who DID make the cut! The rest of us need to live vicariously through your happy comments.

  15. Ah, the familiar burn. But I'd take that any day over not having such a great opportunity. Thank you for the chance Authoress, and I believe you deserve to feel only the joy of the lucky twenty-five.

  16. Woo hoo! I made the cut!

    Thanks for this opportunity and for creating this positive environment for writers.

  17. I didn't make the cut either but I think my sub wasn't as good as it could be and now I'll work extra hard to make it better! Besides i'm sure agents will be checking out the non-winners just in case there's something there they like. Right?!!

  18. My goodness, here I was thinking I hadn't made the cut.
    And the silly email sneaked into my spam folder. *rolls eyes*

    Sure is a nice thing to find after having just become minus a pet.

  19. great post! thank you very much for sharing! i liked it!

  20. Got my CONGRATULATIONS email...and squee'd out loud while I was giving my freshmen a pop quiz-- awkward but fantastic moment! :)

  21. Yesterday morning I thrilled to discover I was selected for the CONGRATS email. After doing the happy dance and notifying my nearest and dearest I reveled in the wonderful feeling of it all. An hour later I found myself in the hospital holding my mother's hand after she suffered an apparent stroke. Life. Writing allows us all to capture its joys and sorrows, but please take a moment to look up from the keyboard to tell those whom you love that they have made a difference to you.

  22. Mick,
    Thanks for that reminder. Writing can be lonely and it is easy to become a bit reclusive. There is no point writing about life if we are not living it. I hope all the best for you and your mother.

  23. I was a fortunate CONGRATS receiver and I want to personnaly thank Authoress/Jodi & Mike for every ache and pain, laugh and wince. Reading the posts was a real treat. The positive energy is spiritual! I also want to thank fellow bloggers for feedback throughout process...leading to massive chocolate intake by this aspiring (nee lucky) writer. Props to all who submitted.

  24. I, too, was the recipient of a CONGRATULATIONS e-mail. I reveled in my excitement all day yesterday so my husband could be the first to hear my happy news. Today, I've told a multitude of people and continued to do my happy dance. (Watch out Dancing With the Stars!) I'll continue to dance because if I stop, I know I'll hold my breath and that might not be too good for my health.

    MANY thanks to Authoress and crew for the time and effort put into this endeavor and to everyone who has posted today for your good energy. :-)

    Mick, your post made my heard skip a beat. I held my mom's hand after her stroke at age 56, so I've been there. I'll keep you (and and your mother) in my thoughts.

  25. This is for Mick! We're all sending the best to you and your mother! And you are so So let's all of us turn to our special ones today and make sure they know just how loved they are! It's easy to forget to do that!
    All the best Mick.

  26. Congrats to all the winners! :D

    Mick, all the best to you and your mother <3

  27. Feel humbled, grateful to get your "Congratulations" email. What an awesome community this is and what amazing work you do in support of writers. Can't say "Thank You" enough.

  28. I'm another lucky "Congrats" receiver. Immediately sent a mass text to my parents and siblings and then sat in a daze, smiling at my computer. =)

    Thanks so much for the wonderful opportunity!

    Mick, wishing you and your family the best!

  29. I am humbled. Thank you all for the personal support and special gratitude to Authoress for this opportunity.
