
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wrapping Up the Year

I'm in complete holiday mode and ready to go off and be merry.  So in the essence of at least appearing somewhat organized, here's what's coming up:

  • Instructions for the first round of Baker's Dozen non-winners' off-blog critique sessions (holy cow, that was a mouthful) will be posted the Monday after Christmas.
  • Instructions for the second round of {insert long noun phrase} will be posted the Monday after New Year's.
  • Bakers Dozen success stories (trust me; they're in the works!) will be posted as soon as they happen and I'm given permission to do so.
  • Our Secret Agent rounds will start up again in January.
  • I am going to be 15,000 words into my WIP by Christmas Eve.  (Okay, this isn't is a blog event. I'm just a little excited about it.)
Have a wonderful holiday, everyone!  It's certainly been a sparkly month around here, and I look forward to spending more time with you after my Favorite Time of Year has wound down.

Merry merry!


  1. Have a wonderful holiday, and god work with the WIP!

  2. Merry Christmas. See you in the New Year :-)

  3. Merry Christmas, Authoress. Thank you for being so supportive.

    And Happy New Year to everyone!

  4. merry Christmas and happy new year! thanks for all your hard work.

  5. Merry Christmas, and thanks again for building such an amazing place for people to come together over writing. You are awesome and deserving of more joy than we can bring you. Good luck in the New Year.

  6. Merry Christmas, and basically, what everyone else said. This is a great thing you do for the community.

  7. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family, Authoress. Many thanks for all your supportive,industrious activities this year - you've made an amazing difference to many writers (like myself).
    Good writing!!
    Best wishes from Australia :)

  8. Happy holidays, Authoress. Thank you so much for all that you do and the support that you give to us all.

  9. The best part is how far along you are in your WIP. Sweet!

    Happy holidays to you and yours.

  10. "Bakers Dozen success stories (trust me; they're in the works!)..."

    If you're not careful, agents are going to stop accepting queries entirely and their submission guidelines will just be a link to Baker's Dozen :-)

  11. Thanks for everything you do all year round, Authoress! Happy holidays!

  12. Thank you for all the hard work you do, Authoress, and Happy Christmas!

  13. Thanks so much for everything, Authoress ;o) And YAY on the 15K!!

    Have a wonderful Holiday and New Year!!

  14. I'm super excited for what the new year will bring!
