
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Our First Success Story of 2012!

Our Secret Agent contests continue to bring successes, both directly and indirectly. Our first success of 2012 is an indirect SA success story, best told in the author's own words:

I entered one of the Secret Agent contests in 2011 in the hopes of getting feedback on the opening of my newly completed manuscript. I didn’t expect to place in the contest, so I was pleasantly surprised when I did. A few days later, Authoress contacted me to tell me that another agent had also read my entry with interest and put me in touch with them. Fast forward several months—and more than several rewrites—and I received an offer of representation from a fabulous agent. This was followed the next day by another offer of representation by the SA from the contest. After speaking with the agents, who were both amazing, I made the choice that was the best fit for me. I’m thrilled to announce that I’m represented by Jessica Regel from the Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency. You can read my official “How I Got My Agent” post over at Sisters in Scribe for those who are interested. I want to thank Authoress for all she does for the writing community. She gives so much of her time to help others and has inspired me to pay it forward. I’ll be doing query critiques, book giveaways, and a Q & A with my agent to help my fellow writers out there. Thanks, Authoress!

Kristi V. Helvig


  1. Congratulations Kristi!! So exciting!

  2. This just shows that it is worth it to get your work out there and the enter contests. Thanks so much for letting other know about your success!

  3. That is great - congratulations!

  4. Congratulations! I wish you the best of luck.

  5. Thanks, everyone! I definitely think it's worth it to enter contests, especially ones with fab people like Authoress running them. Happy 2012!

  6. Eep!!!! This is awesome! Happy Dance time :)

  7. I love hearing news like this! Congratulations, Kristi!

  8. So happy for you! Can't wait to see you on the shelves. I'm on page 200 of my rewrite. You are inspiring me to keep going and get it back to those agents who are waiting for it! Yay!

  9. So glad all your hard work paid off. Congratulations, Kristi!!

  10. Inspiring! Great start to a new year. Congratulations!

  11. Congratulations to the newly agented author!! And Authoress, you are the doll of all dolls to do what you do.
    Thank you for sharing this success story.

  12. I so love a good success story. Yay, Kristi.

  13. Woot! I love these success stories.

    A hearty congratulations to Kristi!

  14. Congratulations, Kristi. I know this is why I've started entering these contests, and just plain reading all the wonderful advice out there. There are some great people in the industry (including Authoress and all the SAs) giving a lot of their time to help out us writers. I'm glad to see it paying off.

  15. Yay! Congrats to Kristi! Love to hear these stories :)

  16. Whoooo!! Congrats!!!! Awesome to hear ;o)
