
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

An "I Love You" Sort of Day

To be perfectly honest, I detest the commercial, spend-money-at-the-last-minute-because-you-feel-obligated Thing which is Valentine's Day.

But, yanno?  There's a lot to be said about a day on which we focus on making others smile.  A day where surprises can happen outside the half-thought-out bunch of tulips picked up at the grocery store on the way home from work.  A day that we can reclaim, if we'd like, for expressing affection because we WANT to.  Not because we HAVE to.

And everyone needs affection, right?  It doesn't have to be a spouse or a lover.  Parents, neighbors, coworkers, children...nobody will wrinkle their noses at a little heart-shaped expression of love.


  • To Every Person who reads and enjoys this blog
  • To Every Fellow Writer who shares my passion for the written word
  • To my Crit Partners:  Jodi, Christine, Holly, Beth, Corinne
  • To my Amazing Teen Readers:  Maggie, Taryn, Constance, Sarah, Rachel
  • To all my Secret Agents
  • To Agent Josh, who believes in me
  • To Michael, my resident geek and personal hero
  • To All My Twitter Followers
  • To the Teens at Write On!
  • To Mr. A, who keeps me sparkling behind my red hat

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY and THANK YOU for the part you play in this community, on this blog, and/or in my life.  You are, each of you, priceless and irreplaceable.  (And it doesn't have to be Valentine's Day to let you know.)

And now, feel free to wipe the goo from your eyes.  Because, yeah.  Just a bit gooey around here today!


  1. Why only the single people?

  2. Um, I didn't mean "single people." I meant "every single", which is an expression. Guess I'd better edit that to avoid further confusion. ;)

  3. Authoress, I'm always willing to share the love with you. Your site has propelled my MS forward in countless ways, and has helped my journey as a writer. Love back atcha.

  4. I like this sentiment; instead of being for or against Valentine's Day based on whether you have romantic love in your life, focus it on other aspects of love. I still get a Valentine every year from my mom. This year I sent her one early, along with a few others to people I care about. I love getting mail with a handwritten thought on it. So many small things we can do to show people in our lives we care!

  5. Aw... Thanks and Happy Valentine's day. Thank YOU for doing what you do for us...aspiring. =)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. *sparkles* Happy Valentine's Day!!! *hugs* <3<3<3

    It took my 3 tries to fix my typo from the first comment. O_o

  8. you too for all you do for us wacky writer types.

  9. I love Valentine's day. It's another excuse to buy books for my kids. I also love that my almost 13 year old was so excited about his book that he hugged me. Yes, that's right. He hugged me. It's been a great Valentine's day. (Plus I get to read the book when he's done with it. He'd better read fast.)

  10. Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you for all that you do!

  11. Holidays truly are what people choose to make of them, Authoress.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you. :)

  12. Awwww... that is just so touching. Okay. Now I'm going to wipe away the tears. But it's from allergies. Yeah, allergies

  13. Happy Vday! Thank YOU for everything!

  14. Awww! Happy Valentine's Day to you!! I hope it was wonderful for ya <3

  15. Thank you! Never too late to wish you Happy Valentine as well. :)

  16. The first rule of Valentine's Day is WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT VALENTINES DAY.

    So happy... day... thing.

  17. Happy day-after Valentine's Day!!! Thanks for having an awesome blog and providing so many great opportunities for writers.
