
Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Ready for something a little different?

Admittedly, we've done first line crits before.  But this one has a little twist!  Here are the rules:

  1. Use the WEB FORM to submit ONLY THE FIRST SENTENCE of your novel.  The novel may be complete or a WIP, but do make sure your work is carefully proofread before submitting.
  2. All genres except erotica will be accepted.
  3. The submission window will be open from NOON to 1:00 PM EST.  This will be a lottery!  When the submission window closes, the bot will choose 30 winners.
  4. These 30 entries will be posted on THURSDAY MORNING.  
  5. As soon as the entries are posted, readers may vote YES (for hooked) or NO (for not hooked) and leave feedback ACCORDING TO THE SPECIFIC RULES BELOW.
  6. The 15 entries that received the most YES comments will be invited to submit their FIRST THREE SENTENCES for round two.  The rules of which will be announced on Monday.
How's that for shaking up the winter blahs?

  • Each comment must begin with YES or NO, followed by a brief explanation of WHY you were either hooked (YES) or not hooked (NO).
  • YES or NO comments without an explanation behind them WILL BE DISCOUNTED.
  • Only ONE comment per reader per entry! Multiple comments by the same person on the same entry will be ignored.
  • NO ANONYMOUS COMMENTS!  Please use your regular screen name or Blogger account (if you have one).
And, honestly?  I've got this blog set up to accept ALL comments from EVERYONE.  It should never be an issue for you to simply choose the NAME/URL choice on the comment form, and type in your screen name (the URL isn't necessary).  Please make sure you understand how the Blogger comment box works prior to the start of this critique contest.

Okay, let's give this a try!  Post your questions below.


  1. Can it be from a revised ms we had in the secret agent back in mid 2011?

  2. Yep, as long as you weren't a winner! (Guess I should have said that in the rules...)

  3. Errr... Ummmm...

    Where's the web form?

  4. Holy cow, I forgot to add the link! That's what I get for doing this so early in the morning.... o_O

  5. Oh good... I thought I was smokin' something (which I don't!)

  6. Fun! Thanks for the opportunity. Can we enter more than one manuscript?

  7. Rachel -- The bot will accept 1 entry per person.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Bummer- I'll be at Ash Wed service at noon, but its a great idea! The SA said I needed a new first sentence so I'll be very interested in the crits for this.

  10. Wednesday Wednesday? In 24 minutes?

  11. If the first sentence is a one word dialogue, can I do the first two?

  12. Yay! I'm in! Which feels a bit anticlimactic now that I reread the rules and see that anyone can get a lottery ticket during the contest window. Guess I didn't have to wait so anxiously for the form to open.

    *Still happy*

  13. Feywriter -- Just the one word, please! :)

  14. Great idea! Having just read mine through again, I like my first & 2nd sentences, but I don't think the 3rd is so good.
    I'm look forward to seeing, for the ones that get to the 3-sentence stage, how the latter sentences compare to the first one.

  15. Does it have to be my own work? Because I'm thinking I could look waay more awesome with something like, "The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed."

  16. Yay! A contest I didn't miss the deadline for!

    Also, critting a single sentence is much less pressure than critting a larger chunk of manuscript! This is a great idea!

  17. Ack! Email notification got sent at 1:05. :(.

    Best of luck to all those who entered!

  18. Email notification came at 1:28, rats...

  19. Well poo! The one blog I didn't check this morning. Dagnabbit! Email notifier was sleeping in I suppose... Next time Gadget!

  20. What fun! I'll be back to vote, for sure.
