
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A "Lurking Agent" Success Story!

It's been a few weeks, but I've got another success story for you!  Here it is, in author Sarah Brand's own words:

Hi Authoress,

I entered the Secret Agent contest in January 2011, with the first 250 words of the YA science fiction novel I had been working on for three years. While my excerpt didn't snag the attention of that month's Secret Agent, another agent, Ammi-Joan Paquette, was unofficially reading the entries and asked to see my first three chapters. That partial request turned into a full request, which then led to two revise-and-resubmit requests... yes, two! The second round of revisions, in particular, involved some of the most intense manuscript surgery I've ever done. And, as any writer who's ever queried a manuscript can imagine, waiting to hear back after the "resubmit" parts got a bit agonizing at times. But all the revisions, and all the waiting, were completely worth it. My novel is so much stronger than it was, and last month, Joan offered me representation.

Given that Joan doesn't accept unsolicited queries, I would never have gotten in touch with her without you and your wonderful blog. Thank you so much for all you do to help new writers! You've created a wonderful community on your blog, and I am glad to be a (small, mostly lurking) part of it.


P.S. If anyone's interested, I'm posting about How It All Happened in a bit more detail on my blog... the first part is here, and the second part, about the revise-and-resubmit process, will go up soon-ish.


  1. Oh, well done and congratulations!

    I think it's fantastic that MSFV does so much to help new writers and is rather exciting to think that there are even more secretive secret agents out there reading the entries.

    And how encouraging is it that what one agent turned down another went out of their way to pick up?

    Really well done, Sarah, I'm sure you deserve it, and I wish you the best.

  2. Well done! Joan seems lovely!
    All the best.

  3. That's FANTASTIC! Congrats! What a lovely surprise to get a "lurker".

  4. What an AWESOME story! Congrats!

  5. Congrats, Sarah, that is wonderful!! What an inspiration for sticking with all those rounds of revision! :D Your hard work really paid off!

  6. Congrats! Your story really reminds us to always be ready, and this is a VERY subjective biz we're in. Just because someone says no, doesn't mean the work is bad- it could just mean it's not right for that person :).

    Marie Andreas

  7. Congrats for getting the agent- great luck that she sells your book soon :)

    dumb question-Authores- does this mean comments are over for the slush entries?

    Too bad- doesn't look like any agents dropped by-

  8. That is an amazing story! I knew there was a reason I loved this blog! Congrats, and I can't wait to read the second part of your story, about the revise-and-resubmit process! And I can't wait to read your novel!

    All the more reason to keep trying to make it into one of the Authoress' contests!

  9. Anon -- I didn't invite agents to drop by for this contest. This was in-house.

  10. Thank you so much for the kind words, everyone! :D

  11. Yes, congratulations! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Congratulations to you!! Very exciting times.

  13. What an exciting story!!! Thanks so much for sharing :) Congratulations!!!

  14. Not sure how many people are reading the comments at this point, but I did get around to posting about the revise-and-resubmit process, here. Thanks again! :)

  15. Author success stories make my heart happy. Congratulations, Sarah! :-)
