
Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday Fricassee

Good morning!

I'll admit to a few moments of panic yesterday when the critiques were slow to begin.  "Oh, no!" thought I.  "This is such a small cross-section of my readership that the response is going to be lame!"

I shouldn't have worried; the critiques have been rolling in.  It's admittedly to a lesser degree than our across-many-genres crits, so I want to encourage those of you who are non-mystery-writers to try your hand at critiquing one or two of these.

Also?  If you are one of the entrants, please remember to critique a minimum of 5 other entries.  It's your way of saying "thank you" for the critique you'll be receiving on your own work.

Here's the scoop on Danielle Svetcov:  Between now and Wednesday, she will be reading and critiquing all the entries.  If she'd like to request anything, she'll let me know.  I will post a list of requested items on Thursday, similar to the way I do it for Secret Agent contests.

And there you have it!  I've got a weekend-of-houseguests ahead of me, so I'm thankful I'm not drafting right now.  (I mean, I can't stand trying to figure out how to get my 1000 words in on days that require me to, yanno, talk to people.)  Also?  Someone in my Real Life has offered to make cupcakes for my birthday next week--and I get to choose the flavor.  Will you help me decide?  It's down to two:

  • Vanilla pound cake with chocolate buttercream frosting
  • Fresh pineapple cake with cream cheese frosting

This is apparently the biggest decision in my life this weekend, so please cast your votes below!


  1. a surprisingly tough decision. I'm gonna go with the pound cake.

    Though I think my favored option would be "Vanilla pound cake with cream cheese frosting . . . and cookies."

  2. The vanilla. If you would've said red velvet with cream cheese frosting....

  3. Pineapple, definitely! And Happy early birthday!!

  4. Out of those two choices I would go with 'Vanilla pound cake with chocolate buttercream frosting',.

    However, I find the best cupcakes are based on a sponge cake recipe as they are so light and fluffy. Well, everyone always compliments me on them.

  5. Personally I would go with the pound cake- you can't go wrong with vanilla ;) As for the critique, I will admit I haven't looked at the mystery ones... maybe later.

  6. Pineapple! It gives a cakey promise for an exciting year...the vanilla is a little too "vanilla."

  7. Why not have some of each? I'm just saying you can never have too much cake on your birthday. And, leftover cake's not bad either!

  8. There's an option with chocolate. That's the one I'd go with. Always go with the chocolate. And Happy Birthday in advance! :)

  9. Vanilla & chocolate all the way! You can't beat a classic. Yum!

  10. Go with the pound cake! Yum! And happy birthday!

  11. Pineapple...for sure :) Happy arly Birthday!

  12. Pineapple with the chocolate frosting. I know that's cheating a little but I'm not a fan of cream cheese frosting. And also chocolate and pineapple are yummy together.

  13. Pineapple and cream cheese!

  14. I'd go with pineapple. Happy pre-birthday!

  15. Critiques complete - and yes, I encourage everyone to read and critique too! It's awfully frustrating as an author when you put work out there and ... crickets. Or the majority of 'critiques' are critiques on your log line! Log lines are the easiest thing to adjust- writing voice isn't.

    (Pound cake and buttercream icing gets my vote! Sounds divine!!)

  16. Pineapple! Because you're cool like that. ;)

  17. Do you really have to choose? Why not a sampler of both! :) If decisions must be made, I'd go with the pineapple. Happy birthday!

    Many thanks for the reminder to critique. This was the first time I entered a contest here (well, the first time I got in) and I was so excited to receive comments. They did trickle in slowly, but provided some great feedback.

    Thanks to those who commented, and thanks for hosting!

    Thanks for hosting.

  18. Pineapple! And I hope you have a great birthday!

  19. Can you go with pineapple with chocolate frosting?? Sorry.
    Happy early birthday!!
    Also, I hate it when you have to actually talk to people too. :)

  20. Vanilla pound cake sounds great, but how often do you get people offering to make you fresh pineapple cupcakes??? I vote for pineapple :)

  21. I'm voting for the pineapple, although both sound amazing. Happy early birthday!!

  22. Does this mean you do not want a cake from Whole Foods?

  23. Pound cake! No wait, pineapple. No, pound cake. Definitely the pound cake. Vanilla...yum!

    Of course, being allergic to gluten, eggs and dairy, I'd be happy with anything that doesn't involve rice cakes!

    Happy Birthday!

  24. the chocolate-definitely.

    Happy Bday!

  25. chocolate always wins!

  26. Fresh anything sounds good to me. It makes me think of spring and warmer weather to come. I vote fresh pineapple cake with cream cheese frosting!!! Happy Birthday!
