
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Introducing: Baby Slushpile!

Ready to whet your querying and critiquing weapons?  (Oh, wait. That sounds pejorative.)

At any rate, let me preface the shiny-new BABY SLUSHPILE by disclaiming that my views on public query critique remain the same.  An over-shopped query IS NOT a good query!  So please read the rules carefully.


  1. Submit your POLISHED and AGENT-READY query letter via our WEB FORM.  The word count is set at 350, which is more than reasonable for a 1-page query.  Starting now.  All genres except erotica.  DO NOT INCLUDE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION.
  2. The submission window will be open until 5 pm EDT.  One query per person.
  3. This is a lottery.  Our illustrious bot will choose 20 queries at random to post on the blog.
  4. Everyone may read and comment on these queries as follows:  Pretend you are an agent.  Say YES or NO as to whether the query hooks you, and explain your answer.  NO LINE EDITS or DETAILED SUGGESTIONS.  Remember, you don't know the novel or the author's voice.  Point out things like "too many characters mentioned" or "no real hook" or "hard to follow".  
  5. AGENT AUTHORESS will then choose what she feels are the 5 STRONGEST QUERIES.  The authors will be invited to submit their first 500 words for public critique on the blog.
  6. The 5 excerpts will post on Monday.  Critique may begin immediately.
Please remember the subjectivity of this exercise.  The choices I make will in no way be indicative of each query's potential success in the querying process.  Truth be told, I'm interested to see how my opinions lines up with the general consensus for each entry.

Are we ready to roll?  Post your questions below!


  1. Is this like the last round of slush pile where we leave off our bio info? No "Dear Agent" or anything like that, just the hook paragraphs? Thanks for the opportunity! :)

  2. I love the name "Baby Slushpile."
    Thank you!

  3. Is this for completed/ready-to-go MSes? Or is a WIP okay?

  4. Authoress, so happy to have you back!

    I submitted, then realised this MS has already been in a Secret Agent. Is it still acceptable to include here, or should I withdraw it?

  5. I agree with Vicorva! It's so good to have you back from vacation! And I'm super excited about this baby slushpile!

    Thanks, Authoress!

  6. Rachel -- Leave off private information, but keep the query intact.

    Kristen -- Thanks! :-)

    Anon -- Completed/ready-to-go MSs are always best, since agents (and occasionally editors) pay attention to these contests and crits. But obviously I can't control this, and if someone gets caught with a surprise request for something that isn't finished, I am not culpable. ;)

    Vicorva -- That's okay!

    Stephanie -- Thanks!

  7. Rachel -- Leave off private information, but keep the query intact.

    Kristen -- Thanks! :-)

    Anon -- Completed/ready-to-go MSs are always best, since agents (and occasionally editors) pay attention to these contests and crits. But obviously I can't control this, and if someone gets caught with a surprise request for something that isn't finished, I am not culpable. ;)

    Vicorva -- That's okay!

    Stephanie -- Thanks!

  8. Love this. Polishing the query now and getting ready to submit! Fingers crossed.

  9. Okay, maybe I'm just dense, but I'm not sure if leaving off the private information means the paragraph about why I'm subbing to this agent, or my bio paragraph with publishing history and all that.

  10. Traci, leave out anything that would divulge personal information. :)

  11. Thank you Authoress. I actually managed a 'lucky number' without a hitch, via cell phone. Amazing. I'll keep watching.

  12. I'd be interested to know the number of submissions you receive for the lottery if you are willing to share that info.

  13. slushpile. *can't help talking in baby talk*

    Yay, submitting...NOW. Thanks a million!

  14. Love the title of the contest =). Hoping for a spot, and hoping my query is as done as I think it is.

  15. Whew! Barely made it - I lost track of time over here! Hope I get drawn! Woohooo!

  16. This sounds like great fun. Even if I'm not picked. Query writing is the worst for me. I'd rather go to the dentist. I'd probably even be better at performing dentistry, that's how bad I am at querying. Yay for Authoress being back! I felt like there was a hole in my day, and now it's filled again.
