
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A New Hat For Authoress?

It's funny how the red hat has become my trademark.  I never intended it to; I didn't plan to have a "trademark" at all.

When I did the photo shoot for my avatar, I was trying to create an elegant sort of mystique.  You know, the gal in the sparkly black dress and big, red hat, whose face we cannot see.  Ah, but we know she's a writer because look at the fat manuscript in her arm!  And the telltale quill.

The truth is, despite its very adorable backstory (which I won't get into), I hate the hat.  I wouldn't be caught dead in public in feathers, and I don't wear red well at all.  The hat is fun and flamboyant, but it isn't "me".

I don't want to get rid of it altogether, but I definitely want to update myself.  And this is the hat I bought at the shore; a hat I actually wear and love:

So, what do you think?  Should I, at the very least, have a Seasonal Authoress Who Wears This Hat During the Summer?  (Disclaimer: I am well aware that this is a horrible picture.  I took it myself while holding the camera in front of a mirror so I could see the reflection of the view screen.  Moving things left in order to make them move right is not my forte.)

Not that any of this is a big deal.  I'm just heartily tired of seeing myself in the red hat every time I pop onto the blog.  Though, truly, Josh looks much cuter in it than I do.

So humor me.  What are your thoughts on The New Hat?  (Because, naturally, I need another distraction whilst slogging through these revisions.  Right?)


  1. I LOVE the idea of a seasonal hat. You could really have fun with that--change it as little or as often as you like. And a veil should find its way in to the mix at some point if you want to perpetuate that mysterious thing, IMHO.

  2. Not as hot as your red one. Maybe if the lighting was different? But a summer hat would be a cute change.

  3. Red can be a tough color to pull off well. Go for the new hat! We all need a change once in a while.

  4. I like the idea of a seasonal or 'special occasions' hat. Could be a lot of fun!

  5. A seasonal hat is a good idea and that's a cute one! But do keep the red hat if only to "make" Josh wear it. :)

  6. I had to rush here when I saw your twitter comment. The red hat has always seemed so you to me, but I can see how it would be hard to make it "you." I do like the summer hat. Cute!

  7. I like the summer hat! Instead of being known for the red hat, you could be known for a parade of stylish seasonal hats!

  8. I like the summer hat! Instead of being known for the red hat, you could be known for a parade of stylish seasonal hats!

  9. Ooooo, I like the veil idea! And the hats-for-many-occasions idea. Though I'm sure Mr. A won't be too keen on adding a hat budget to our lives... ;)

  10. I like the new hat too. You could have fun recreating your red hat avatar pose with the new one and still retain that anonymity! :)

  11. Life's too short to wear hats you hate!

  12. I'm with Donna (the first comment). LOVE the idea of a seasonal hat! And I love the bow on your new one :)

  13. I don't know, I like the audaciousness of the red hat. It's bold, it's quirky, and as an image for your brand, it's distinctive.

    To me tan raffia says gardener, not author. Just my opinion.

  14. I like the new hat, but the color doesn't pop. The red hat is an icon because it is so easy to pick out on a Twitter feed. :) I think you should put a red bow on the new hat. That way you stick with the red but it isn't against your skin so it doesn't matter how you look in red. Or you could use a red quill in your hand.

  15. I'm all about the seasonal hat! Of course, I'm all about hats, so I am probably not going to be much help on this. I own at least six hats that I wear on a regular basis. And this is the truth, people respond to me differently depending on what hat I'm wearing. So, I think choosing the right hat is really important.

    And for the record, I love the new hat! The big white bow is totally fun!

  16. I like the red bow idea. Maintains some continuity with the old authoress as we know her.

  17. Margot -- A gardener?? LOL!! If you only knew how much I hate gardening. As in, I never do it. If I'd have thought the hat screamed "gardener" I wouldn't have bought it! I am greatly amused. :-D

    And I like the red bow idea, too!!

    I'm not planning on getting rid of the red hat, btw. I just want to supplement. Infuse freshness, as it were.

  18. I LOVE the new hat. Not that I didn't like the old one, feathers and all :)

  19. Except for the bow, the new hat is a replica of exactly what I garden in, so I associate it more with grunge than refinement. Sorry. Just being honest. I love your red hat, because I love to wear red, but I don't wear hats in public. It is your icon and it will be strange assimilating a new hat into my image of you, but I like the idea of seasonal hats.

  20. LOVE the new hat! So summer-y. :) And it's nice to mix things up a bit now and then. Yay! Good luck with your revisions...

    BTW, you're WAY more stylish than I am. I typically wear a ball cap (black, with a running bunny on it) that I SHOULD only wear running but end up wearing way too much. Because I love it. :) So I say wear what you love! Like your awesome new hat! :)

  21. There is something very Daisy in The Great Gatsby about your new hat. I love it. You need to sit in a too-expensive place on the Long Island seashore and sip something as the sun goes down and the waves roll in.

  22. I LOVE your new hat. It definitely has a summer-beachy feel to it. :)

  23. I agree with Janice on adding a different color of bow - even if red's not your thing, a more "flashy" color against the straw would definitely make it pop :-)

  24. LOVE the new hat! You could spice it up with different scarves, and even flowers, if you're feeling Steel-Magnolia-ie. Forget seasonal- I'd vote for The Hat of the Month Club.

    But then, I'm total hat person. Should you need a hat covered with fruit, an extravagant witch hat, or that sultry 1940's black hat with veil that screams, "Yes, I killed my husband, but there's nothing you can do about it," call me.

    Josh looks marvelous!Needs gloves, though. Long ones.:)

  25. I love the idea of having hats for every occasion! Though I will be honest, this new hat just doesn't say "fabulous!" to me. :-)

  26. I'm with the Red Bow Brigade. I think this is a great summer hat. Add a red bow for continuity and wear it with some kind of fabulous sundress for a perfect "Authoress in Summer" avatar. Thumbs up!

  27. YES, love the hat! Gives us another look into who the Authoress is without taking away the mystery.

  28. I love, love, LOVE the red hat!

    Sorry, dearest. Not the words you want to hear, I know! But I do love it.

    It helps that red is my favorite color, of course ( :

    But still.

    Don't be rid of it!! That would be tragic!

    Although, I'm totally of the opinion that you can have many... MANY hats and still live a good life. I mean, why choose one when you can have 'em all?!
