
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Love Note For This Month's SA Entrants

You're in--hooray!

Please do your fellow entrants the courtesy of critiquing a minimum of 5 other entries over the next few days.

In fact, 10 would be better.  That's less than a third of the entries, and you'll probably get at least 10 critiques on your own work.

Some are always faithful, giving back to the community when it's their turn to receive.  And some have sneaked in, taken the critique, and given nothing.

No judgments, no record-keeping, no finger-pointing.  Just a simple, friendly plea.

Please take the time to offer your critique to your colleagues.

Thank you.  And may the feedback you receive be more helpful than you dared imagine!


  1. Bless you, Authoress. Thanks for doing this. What goes around, comes around.

  2. Thank you, Authoress! I am going to make my rounds now.

  3. Wow, did this month's SA not even fill?! There really aren't many adult authors on here, I guess. Wish I could have entered, but I was in the March SA, so I'm not eligible yet. Anyway, thanks for the reminder, Authoresss, I'll go do some critiques now! :)

  4. No, it never does fill up when MG and/or YA aren't included. Which is why I find it so amusing that people have complained, in the past, that the Baker's Dozen doesn't have enough adult entries. Methinks it works just fine as is! For whatever reason, this blog has drawn a whole lot of MG and YA writers.

    Not that I'm complaining. ;)

  5. Authoress, I can't tell you how thrilled I am (no pun intended) that this monnth's Secret Agent included thrillers. A lot of the time that isn't the case, so for me, this is a HUGE opportunity for which I'm very grateful. :)

  6. Critiquing other entries is a wonderful way to get feedback and check out what fellow writers are working on. Thanks for doing this. Good luck every one. Hope you get an agent deal. Fingers crossed for all :)

  7. Well said and thanks for the opportunity! Looking forward to checking these out...

  8. Hi Authoress,

    I was wondering when the Teen Eyes results will be up? On Brenda's blog it said that Taryn's should go on today. Just wondering! Thanks for hosting it!

  9. Thanks for getting back so quickly!

  10. Thanks for the contest again, Authoress! I am usually an MG writer but having just completed an Adult book, I was thrilled to see one of my usual haunts was catering to my finished project. You're a blessing to us all!

  11. Oh, no! I meant to enter, but I was too sick to get out of bed and submit! Ack! Good luck to everyone who did enter, though! :)

  12. Oh, yay! I missed them going up. Off to take a looksie now. :-)

  13. I wonder if it's that YA & MG authors are more active online and connected through blogs? In my RWA chapter, I'm one of the youngest (and I'm over 30). Many of them are pretty capable with social media, but they aren't as active on blogs and with contests. Or they stick to RWA exclusive stuff. That's totally anecdotal but just a guess.

  14. You know, Stephsco, I really don't know! That might be true, though I'm not connected enough in "adult circles" to really make a judgment. It's just really obvious every time I do something for "only adult" that my readership is very heavy on the YA/MG. You may have a point!

  15. What a great diversity of submissions. Good luck to all!

  16. I write adult books, so I'm thrilled there is something for us on occasion. Many of the contests I run across are for YA/MG.
