
Monday, September 10, 2012

Secret Agent Unveiled: David Dunton

A round of applause for the delightful and instantly likable David Dunton of Harvey Klinger, our Secret Agent for this month!

David's Bio:

I've been a literary agent at Harvey Klinger since 1996. Before that, I was a keyboard player in a rock band, something I still do for fun. And before that, I was an editor at Simon & Schuster, in the trade paperback division. I majored in American Studies, graduating from Wesleyan in 1988, am from various parts of New England, have been to 46 of the 50 United States, and live in Jersey City, New Jersey.

What David's looking for:

Great contemporary, sci-fi, and fantasy young adult and middle grade fiction. Moving and funny are a winning combination. On the adult side, I'm looking for narrative nonfiction, music-related nonfiction, memoir, and literary fiction. Some of my all-time favorite books include Mark Helprin's WINTER'S TALE, Neil Gaiman's AMERICAN GODS (and THE GRAVEYARD BOOK), David Mitchell's CLOUD ATLAS, and Susan Cooper's THE DARK IS RISING sequence. I also really liked the first three books of Jacqueline Carey's KUSHIEL'S LEGACY series (thanks to my wife for that one).

Many thanks to Mr. Dunton!  Winners forthcoming.


  1. Thanks for your time and helpful comments David!

  2. David is the agent of one of my friends (SJ Kincaid, author of Insignia), so I know he's an awesome agent.

    Thanks, David, for all the work you put in the critiques. Your comments on mine made my day. And thanks, Authoress, for another great SA contest. :D

  3. Thanks, David, for your time and comments, and thanks, Authoress, for another great contest!

  4. Thank you Authoress for running such a great contest. And thank you David for taking the time to make such great comments.

  5. Thank you so much David for the time you spent reading and critiquing all of the entries. It is so helpful to get in the mind of an agent and see what did or did not attract them to a story.

    And thank you Authoress for hosting these wonderful contests for all of us to get our writing seen by agents. I can't imagine the time and effort that goes into this. :)

  6. Thanks to David and Authoress for this months Secret Agent contest. I know my entry benefited from entering.

  7. It was an honor to be the secret agent! There were some really strong entries, and you guys had so many good comments--in many cases you said everything that I wanted to say (in particular: Princess Sara, Jessica Hutchinson, and K Callard). It's a wonderfully supportive and more importantly, constructively critical, community. I hope to hear from some of you, and wish you all luck.

  8. I appreciate the time you took to comment, David. And thanks again Authoress for all you put into this bog and creating opportunities for us!

  9. I appreciate the time you took to comment, David. And thanks again Authoress for all you put into this bog and creating opportunities for us!

  10. Oh, I almost forgot to also thank all the MSFVers who posted critiques and comments! It's great when writers take time out of their own work to support each other. This community rocks.

  11. Thanks to David, the authoress, and the critters who went well beyond what was expected and gave feedback on every (or almost every) entry.

  12. Thank you David, Authoress, and critiquers. It was a lot of fun!
