
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Baker's Dozen Submissions Today!

Wooooo!!  ADULT CATEGORY submissions open at 9:00 am EDT!


If you run into any technical difficulties during the submission process, please email me at facelesswords(at) or ping me on Twitter (@authoressanon).

Also, if you are having trouble submitting because of power outages, please remember that there is a second window on Thursday, and that I am planning on opening a third, emergency window as needed.

Let the fun begin!


  1. Wheeee! It's miraculous, but as of 8:53 am, we still have power! :D Fingers crossed for EVERYONE today (whether you're entering or not, hope y'all weathered the storm safely).

  2. Just entered! I did have a question. Because of the 310 word limit, I entered my logline, then my first 250 words. I didn't actually put the words "logline" or "first 250 words" (that would waste 4 words). Is that okay?

  3. It didn't give me an option to use a credit card. I had to set up and use paypal.

  4. Kelsey, that is good news, because otherwise I would have had to remove your fingers. ;)

    Anon -- Paypal can be SO frustrating. I'm sorry it gave you a hard time. :(

  5. I had to set up a Paypal account, too. I thought it could be my early morning brain (or lack thereof), but I guess I'm not the only one.

    I'm in!!! And going back to bed!!!

  6. I'm in - yay! Was a little worried about getting in since I drop my son at preschool at 9am. But as of 9:30, I was only #59. Good luck to everyone else!

  7. I have to say, that is one fancy interface. I adored being able to see how my entry would appear on the right. I'm sure it saves you a ton of time, Authoress, not having to re-format everyone's entry...

  8. Oh, definitely. Michael is my hero. :)

  9. I love the fancy new interface, too. But I swear, no matter what I do, the bot always adds big spaces between my paragraphs!

  10. Yahoo! I made it and now have a new lucky number. Guess I should go buy a lottery ticket? No, I have another story to complete. Looking forward to reading the other entries.
    I hope everyone back East weathers the storm. Such a strange expression. May you all be safe and well.

  11. Thank you, Authoress, for promoting this gargantuan contest. The size and complexity look like a full time job to me. We know you don't do it for money or fame. Must be your giant and generous heart. Sincerely, my thanks.

  12. Oh no! I submitted my entry, was forwarded to paypal and then my screen froze! No I can't re-enter, because I'm officially already registered, but I haven't done the payment yet. What can I do now? Please help!

  13. Okay, I panicked too soon! Got the email with the link to paypal and paid! :-)

  14. Thank you, thank you, Authoress!
    I'm in.

    Like DJ noted, large spaces showed up on the post, but not in the window when I pasted in the contents. Oh, well. The important thing is it worked smoothly.

  15. Uh, oh. I had to log in to paypal with my "regular" email address after registering with my "author" address. I hope that doesn't make it look like I haven't paid! I got the receipt of payment, but I hope it was "connected" to my entry by some means other than email address! And I apologize for having so many words in "quotes" in this comment.

  16. Anon at 10:03 -- thanks for your kind words; it is truly my pleasure. :)

    Anya -- Yep, saw you in the database!

    Laura -- The all-knowing Bot will not post any unpaid entries to Blogger, and it doesn't care where your payment came from. LOL If you want me to double check, email me the email address you ENTERED with, and I'll find it in the database.

  17. The preview showed my whole 299 words, but after I clicked save and it gives me the option to preview my entry, now it only shows my logline - is that normal?

  18. Lindsay -- Did you scroll down in the preview box? Depending on what word processor/editor you pasted from, it sometimes adds a ridiculous amount of space between paragraphs.

    Let me know.

  19. no, right below the logline, there's a link "go back to the blog" and no scroll at the side.

    It's not the preview box I'm looking at, it's the preview after you save it - the preview box as I was editing it looked fine. :P

  20. I think you're okay, then. I sent your comment to Michael, just in case.

  21. ok, just let me know if there's any problems with it, and I can resend the text of the first 250 words. And thanks for putting this all on :)

  22. Authoress, thanks for running this contest. And the snappy new interface!

    The only option to pay was paypal, and I changed the prefilled email address to my paypal address. Worked like a charm.

  23. Thank you for the "only 9 slots left" tweet! I was so busy working on perfecting my logline that I almost missed my chance!

  24. Oh, good, Brian! Ain't Twitter grand? ;)

  25. Like Anya, I panicked but whew! I got my submission in and more importantly, you got the payment. Sorry for the double entries -- hope it's not a huge pain to delete the gmail entry... Very excited to have entered the contest.

  26. Well, writers~ we made it through Day One of Submissions! And our part was the easy part- think of The Authoress and Jodi slogging through the entries!

    Although I have to admit, I'd enjoy reading all the fun entries. Lots of talent out there. I wish each and every one of you luck.

    And thank you, Authoress, for this great opportunity. It's fun, exciting and educational. But mainly fun.:)

  27. Coming on late in the day to say a huge THANK YOU for all your hard work and for this great community!! Good luck to everyone and stay safe through Sandy!

  28. BLOG of the Year 2012" Award.
    If you would like to pick it up, please go to my own blog:

    There are the rules for you to follow and your Award to pick up.

    Congratulations - I just LOVE your blog posts - I do admire your talent and I'm convinced you deserve it!
