
Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday Fricassee

Good morning!

I'm off to grocery shop in the rain.  Delightful, yes?  But it's been a great week--your loglines are getting whipped into shape, there have been Eyeballs lurking on the blog, and everything's barreling forward toward a GREAT Baker's Dozen!

On the personal side, my revisions are continuing to go well, and I'm comfortable in my Writer Skin.  Remember a few weeks ago when I blogged about Writing as Lifestyle?  It was a cathartic blog post for me (well, most of them are).  My dear husband, after reading that blog post, pointed out to me that I was supposed to be living that life.  (Clearly, he saw me struggling.)  It was revelatory for me, and I'm in such a place of DELIGHT right now it's hard to imagine living any other way.

You know what I mean, right?  DELIGHTING in the writing process.  DELIGHTING in waking up knowing you're a writer, and looking forward to sitting down and working, wherever that lands in your day.

I've been living in this DELIGHT PLACE, and it's...well, delightful.  Revisions are still hard (and you know I love them), but it's amazing how much more smiling I do when I'm simply resting in the fact that writing brings me great pleasure, and it's a huge part of who I am.

It feels so good!  I highly recommend it.

Anyway, here's your BIG REMINDER that the revised loglines from Round One are now live on ADAM HEINE'S BLOG.  Please be sure to pop over and critique!  And remember that, when you leave feedback, you will be eligible to win a 15-page critique from Jodi Meadows.  (I've already gushed about that.  "Invaluable" doesn't begin to cover it.)

And, finally, submissions will open on Monday for our third and final logline critique round.  So if you didn't make it into the first two rounds, you still have one more chance!

Whew!  I think that's everything.  Time slip on my floral rain boots and hit the grocery store.  Have a great weekend!


  1. "Delighting in the writing."

    I think you should coin that phrase. Heading over to Adam's to check out the logline scene.

    Have a great day singing - um - shopping in the rain :-)

  2. Rain?

    this had me checking the current radar to see where it's raining right now. I'm determined to find out where A lives!

    And ... of course, it's raining in many places this morning. West Texas. Several southern states. All across the northeast. Even eastern New Mexico and up into the Rocky Mountain states.

    So, there goes that idea.

  3. *snickers* I only mention weather when it's not isolated. :)

  4. Dang. Thought I'd caught you in a slipup.

    Well played, A. Well played.

  5. A lovely post. One quote that always comes to my mind about how I feel about writing is from Chariots of Fire: "I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure." That's how I feel about writing.

    Of course, I also have my sloggy, groggy days where nothing comes to me and it feels like threading spaghetti through a straw. But I always come back to those moments where I feel purpose and pleasure. :)

  6. Wow, how inspiring!
    Thanks to Authoress and the others who commented!

  7. Enjoy the shopping--and the rain!

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