
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Logline Critique Round Three #24

TITLE: Feathers of Blood
GENRE: YA Dark Comedy/Horror

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently posted a survival guide called “Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse” emergency kit information. They’d like you to believe they’re being trendy, and hope everyone will think it’s just a joke, but it’s not. And I know why, because I’m Charlie Kane - and I’ve killed zombies.


  1. I'm not a big zombie fan. But this made me laugh. I'm hooked. Nice blend of humor and info.

  2. Ha! Great hook, excellent voice and timing. Love the last line.

  3. I really liked this! I'm also not much for Zombies, but I would like to read this!

    Good luck!

  4. Like Amelia, I'm not a zombie fan, but I love the voice! Very Douglas Adams.

  5. I totally agree--I am not at all interested in zombies but you got me. Great. Fwiw, I do think you could tighten the second sentence. Which might give you a few words to play with to give us just a hair more info about Charlie in the last sentence...

  6. This is great! I'm not at all interested in zombies, but this sounds like fun!

  7. I think if you just cut "emergency kit information" you'd be right on the money.

  8. I LOVE zombies and have my own humorous zombie book I am querying right now (it's MG). I agree to cut the emergency kit information line. Maybe add in the age of Charlie? Also, I'd cut the "just." Good luck!

  9. This might work for a query but it's not a logline.

