
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

YA/MG Tuesday Submissions are FULL

Today's 150 slots filled in 22 minutes.

Yes, I'm a little flabbergasted myself!

But no worries: there are 150 more slots available this Thursday.  I'm fairly certain the onslaught won't be quite as...breathtaking...on Thursday.  Nevertheless, the early bird DOES get the proverbial worm.



  1. Wow, that is crazy! Makes me thankful I write adult, that sounds stressful! :) Congrats to everyone who got it, and GL to the rest of you on Thursday!

  2. Whoa, that's incredible! Thanks for hosting such an amazing event, A! Thanks for ALL you do. You rock. This is an incredible opportunity.

    *Places giant box of fancy chocolates and bottle of wine at feet*

  3. Excitement!!!
    And crazy. Of course, i was in there with everyone else right at 9, so take that as you will

  4. Thanks for hosting such a fabulous contest and for giving so much time to providing others with wonderful opportunities. Such interest proves how valuable this contest is.

  5. I waited watching the clock on the submit page count down the seconds and as soon as the submit button I pushed it (of course I uploaded my entry already). I made it in the first 150! Whew. Thanks!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thank you so much for all that you do to support writers! I made a major error, not paying attention to the time zone and logged on 2 hours late! Yikes--of course all slots were filled! Thanks for having a second window for us newbies.

  8. Holy cow~ that poor bot deserves an extra shot of oil or new spark plugs or something!

    Good luck to you all~ can't wait to see the final line-up! Happy reading!

  9. I almost missed it -- I was helping my dh with a business proposal, but thank Goodness I set the kitchen timer for 8:55. I popped up when the bell rang, total adrenaline surge, and left my guy dangling mid-sentence. Good thing he loves me and understands my strange writerly ways.

    Thank you, Authoress, for this amazing opportunity. : )

  10. LOL, @skywriter!

    Congrats to all who entered and best of luck for those planning to enter on Thursday. I'm looking forward to seeing the final entries.

  11. I completed my entry without five minutes of the submission window opening, and there were already over 70 other entries in before mine. Crazy!

    For the thousandth time, thank you so much for holding this event, Authoress. I think I speak on behalf of all of us when I say how grateful I am for this opportunity.

    Good luck to everybody!

  12. I hit the "Submit" button at exactly 9:00 a.m., and I was confirmed as entrant #6...meaning that 5 other people entered in the milliseconds before I did. I think there must have been dozens of us huddled over our computers this morning, following the progress of the countdown clock with cat-like intensity.

  13. Early indeed! I had to get up at 5:45 on the west coast, but I made it in. Thanks for all you do!

  14. Holy Submission Count, Batman! I submitted mine around 9:10 and was awarded the title of #125. I am sooooo thankful I was watching that clock today. Good luck to everyone this round and on Thursday!!

  15. Thank you Authoress and Agents. What an amazing opportunity! Good luck to everyone who did not take their eyes off the clock and their finger off their mouse this morning.

  16. I was another one watching the clock count down the seconds on the submission page, but I'm on EST so it was 1:00am. Glad I made the effort to stay up seeing how quickly the places went. Thanks Authoress for such an amazing opportunity!

  17. Hi Melissa, Right behind you at #126! Thank you so much Authoress for giving us the opportunity, and setting up reliable infrastructure to handle the demand :)
