
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Baker's Dozen Non-Chosen Entrants: Critique Opportunity

As promised, here is a public critique opportunity for those over-300 of the original Baker's Dozen entrants, thanks to the generous K. T. Crowley!

Details from K. T.:

Please send submissions to ktcritiques[AT] by 10 PM EST Saturday night, December 15.   I will post them Monday morning, December 17, at KTCROWLEY.COM for critiquing. A maximum of 50 entries will be accepted.

In the subject line, please state “BD ENTRY”.

Submit your logline and first 250 words just like when submitting to Miss Snark's First Victim. Your submission should look like this:

TITLE: Your Title Here
GENRE: Your Genre Here

(Logline and first 250 here.)

A confirmation email will be sent, but it may not be right away. Only resend if you don't get one by the last hour of the submission window.

If you enter, please critique five other entries, so that it's fair for everyone.

(Please ask your questions below!)


  1. I just sent mind over - thanks so much for the opportunity! :)

  2. *mine not mind* Oy! It's obviously too early in the morning still! :)

  3. Can title and content be altered at all?

  4. anonymoose (and squirrel)December 11, 2012 at 1:16 PM

    What Amy said. I already revised my opening because I hated it sooooo much!

  5. Thank you, Amy and Authoress, for the question and answer about sending revised work. I took your advice about not starting a book before building sympathy for the protagonist. I also re-wrote the logline. The only thing that remains the same is the title, but you've helped me improve the overall story. Thanks for this second opportunity. Congratulations to the auction winners.

  6. Heartfelt -- you don't know how happy that makes me!! :-)))

  7. anonymoose (and squirrel)December 11, 2012 at 3:12 PM

    Thank you, Authoress, for the chance to get some valuable critiquing on my already revised intro, and a big thanks to KT Crowly for hosting!

  8. Thanks for another opportunity to improve our work!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Happy to host! Just an FYI, this round has now been filled, but don't fret if you missed out! I'll be hosting another round, so keep those entries coming to lock in your place. Stay tuned for more info...
