
Monday, January 14, 2013

Authoress Editing Services

I've been mulling this over, and I'm going to take a crack at it.

*drum roll*

Effective immediately, Authoress Edits is now available.  I am offering partial critiques -- that is, line edits for the first 3 chapters of your novel -- for a set fee, for my blog readers only.

First, the back story:

A few years ago, I hired Stacy Whitman to edit the first 3 chapters of a manuscript that had received requests followed by rejections.  (Prior to launching Tu Books, Stacy offered editorial services.  I was lucky to grab her before she moved on!)  Stacy's detailed line edit of my first 3 chapters was HUGELY HELPFUL. 

Truth was, I couldn't afford the fee for a full manuscript.  But honestly?  Her notes on those first 3 chapters, coupled with an editorial letter, were like a gigantic launchpad into revisions.  It was well worth the money spent.

The now story:

I want to offer the same sort of launch pad for folks who want an objective, experienced eye.  I'm only offering partial critiques because, frankly, I don't have the time to jump into a full time editing job.  My own writing, and the writing of my glorious critique partners, has to come first.

Having said that, I intend to prioritize the partial critiques as they come in, and will offer my best and most detailed feedback.  I would like to be your personal launchpad, as it were.

I'd also like to be able to offer these services at an affordable rate.  I've seen line editing rates as high as $8/page, which for many of us is cost prohibitive.

The details:
  • I will accept a maximum of 2 projects per month.  Projects will be processed in the order in which they are received.
  • The fee is $70 for the first 3 chapters of your manuscript.  If your chapters are very short (fewer than 7 pages each), you may send the first 30 pages instead.  Otherwise, the 3-chapter length is firm.
  • $35 will be payable upon my agreement to take your project.  As soon as I receive your payment, your place in line will be secured.  The final $35 will be payable upon completion of the project.
  • Payments will be accepted via Paypal.
  • I will complete your project within 1 week from the day I receive it.
  • Please email me at authoress.edits(at) if you would like to hire me.  I will respond to all emails in the order in which they are received.
  • Please also feel free to email me there with any questions you may have.  Please do not send editing questions to my facelesswords account.
  • What you will receive:  A detailed line edit and an editorial letter.  I am, as you know, a grammar nazi, and will leave your manuscript error-free. (If you struggle with grammar, I'm definitely your gal.)  I will also comment on dialogue, pacing, weak sentences, etc.  In short, I will take the time to point out everything I see, in the hope that my comments will be helpful.
  • MG and YA are my THING.  I will, without hesitation, take on any MG or YA project.  If you write adult fiction and would still like to hire my services, I will take on projects on a case by case basis, depending on whether or not I feel I can do a good job for you or not.  (For instance, if you write thrillers, I'm probably not the right editor for you.)  Feel free to email me at authoress.edits(at) to ask questions about your manuscript.
I think I've covered everything!  I hope to hear from some of you soon.  And again -- please don't hesitate to email me with your questions!  


  1. Awesome! I think this is a really smart way of implementing a part-time editing service. I'm sure your two slots per month will fill up lightning fast.

  2. I am totally going to use your services once my WIP is not so first drafty

  3. WHY DO ALL THE AWESOME THINGS HAPPEN WHEN MY MS ISN'T READY?!?! Just a few more months D: Thank you so much for this, though :) This is amazing.

  4. You guys are making me feel wonderful! I was nervous to jump into this today, truly.

    SC, hopefully I'll still be doing this a few months from now, when you're ready. :)

  5. My manuscript is nearly fnished (after another lengthly edit) and i will definately be using this. Will you also offer advice on Query letters for an additonal fee?

  6. Best idea I've heard in awhile. Thanks for doing this!

  7. Very cool! I predict you will be busy :)

  8. I am in. My project is MG and I want to use your services. I will email you as well. Thanks for offering your expertise! Daniel Kenney

  9. Great! As soon as I've written enough, I'll definitely get you to take a look. Thanks for offering such a helpful service. In this economy, good deals are a blessing!

  10. OMG - do you have any idea how inundated you are going to be? **rubbing my hands with glee**

    Look out inbox, here I come ... as soon as my newest critique partner crucifies my first three chapters!

  11. Methinks your "two ms per month" plan may be a slight underestimation...

  12. Oh, Seth. You're not kidding. O_O

  13. I just emailed you but thought others might have the same question, so I thought I'd post. If we have a 'teaser', prologue, 250-word opener... I assume that will not count as one of the three chapters, right? Thanks.

  14. Authoress, I am a part of the secret agent contest but can't find the entries posted anywhere. Are they up yet? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

  15. Connie, they will post later this morning.
