
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Critique Partner Dating Service -- Live!!

Here we go, folks!  Guidelines are as follow:
  1.  If you see an entry that looks like it might be a good fit, send an email to introduce yourself (this is not the time to send materials).
  2. More than one entry is missing an email (directions, people, directions!).  If you are interested in an email-less entry, leave a comment requesting the email address.
  3. If you're not sure you want to send an email, leave a comment asking further questions.
  5. This is a public list.  I am no longer the "middle man."  Please do not come to me with your dating woes.  (If you have a legitimate technical difficulty, I will always help you with that.)
  6. For security purposes, I will remove these entries from the blog one week from today.
Please post your questions below!  I will check the comments regularly and try to stay up to date with public questions.

Oh, one more thing.  For the first time (ever), I have not gone through every entry to check for formatting--mostly because the first 20 or so that I went through were absolutely fine.  If your entry looks wonky or is in any way unreadable, PLEASE EMAIL ME.  I am always happy to fix things.

Happy dating!


  1. I'm on my first WIP. Is this open to people who don't have a finished MS?

  2. I'd like to suggest that people check their spam folders. I found an email from a potential CP in mine.

  3. OMG, this is so like dating. It's terrifying.

  4. Authoress, I'm one of the people who didn't include an email in my post, but I just wanted to point out a potential issue. I think your form (in which we send you our info to be posted) fooled me. One of the blanks to be filled in was for email. I think when I saw that, I just filled in my email, thinking it'd be posted on your site when in reality it was probably the email the bot used to confirm with me that my post was going to be posted. Therefore, I removed my email info from my actual post. So maybe partly my fault, but I tried as hard as I could to follow your directions :) I might be the only one who got stumped, though. The shape of my head is actually a bit stumpy :/

  5. I'm entry 44 and had the same trouble as Chris V. I thought I had followed directions. My email is agabrielmusic (at)
    ER, PB, CB, F and NF
