
Thursday, May 16, 2013

An Indirect 2012 Baker's Dozen Success Story

In the author's own words:

Dear Authoress,

I started following your blog 1.5 years ago--just as I began writing my first book. I entered a Secret Agent contest in early 2012 and took all the constructive comments to heart. Then came the 2012 Baker's Dozen. I was excited to participate (Lucky #13 "Stormheart") and elated to receive bids. I soaked up all the suggestions and revised my opening (yet again). In late January, something crazy happened. The stars aligned, unicorns danced cheek to cheek...I got a call from an agent. This mind-blowing event was followed by three more offers within the same week (including a fantastic agent who bid on my work during in the Baker's Dozen).

Gobsmacked, I faced one of the toughest choices of my life (agents are a pretty dang personable bunch of people...unlike certain tongue-tied writers who stumble when having to speak mouth words). I felt like India Jones at the end of The Last Crusade being told to "choose wisely." In the end, I relied on advice from trusted writer friends and my own intuition. I am thrilled to say I signed with Emily Sylvan Kim from The Prospect Agency and am about to go on submission.

Thank you generous MSFV readers--your invaluable feedback matters. Authoress--your generosity, honesty, integrity and commitment to craft improvement helps change lives. Bless you and your red hat!

Best Wishes,
Lila Gillard