
Monday, May 27, 2013

Drop the Needle: EXPLOSIONS!

I completely forgot that today was a holiday when I scheduled the critique round.  If entries are super low, I will extend the window beyond the 8 pm cut-off.

At any rate, here are the submission guidelines for the EXPLOSIONS! round:

  • The submissions window runs from noon to 8 pm EDT (NYC) today.
  • Submit a scene that includes an ACTUAL EXPLOSION.
  • Your scene may come from a finished (query-able) manuscript or a WIP (carefully proofread, please).
  • This critique round is open to both agented and unagented authors.
  • Please include a 50-word lead-in, followed by a 250-word excerpt.
  • The word count is set at 305.
  • Enter HERE or via email to authoress.submissions(at)
  • Format:
SCREEN NAME: (type it here)
TITLE: (type it here)
GENRE: (type it here)

Type your up-to-50-words lead-in here. (Italics would be nice, because then I don't have to reformat.) Please do not neglect this step. I'm still not sure why people neglect this step. If you're dropping us into the middle of a story, WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON.

Type your 250-word explosion scene here.

(Note: The online form is much easier than emailing.  Seriously.)

This should be a fun round!


  1. I'd enter but I don't have any explosions. Unless a roof collapsing counts? That's the closest I have in any MS.

  2. I wish I did have an actual explosion to enter! These are going to be a lot of fun to read though!

  3. I just happened to have ONE explosions that wasn't emotional or nerves, lol! This was good motivation to clean it up (it's a soon to be edited MS) and really look at it. Thanks for hosting this!

  4. Entered one from a work-in-progress manuscript, sounds like this should be an interesting critique round. :-)

    When should we expect to see the lucky entries go up? :-)

  5. I am new to Miss Snark, and I missed the submission, but am excited to read everyone's and participate in the future!

  6. @sbibb they'll start posting tomorrow morning.

  7. Thanks, Michael Wulf. I couldn't find where it said that, so I was curious.

    I look forward to seeing the entries. :-)

  8. Looking forward to this! The opening of my WIP centers around an explosion, but on rereading the actual explosion scene, there's no way (yet) I'll inflict what I've written on other readers :) Hopefully this is popular and you do another one...

  9. This sounds like so much fun!

  10. So exciting. Makes me want to reconsider my genre so I can write one! Lol. Good luck everyone :)
