
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Authoress Edits -- Premiere Critique

As you (probably) already know, my editing businesss (Authoress Edits) focuses solely on the the first 3 chapters.  I am toying with the idea of accepting larger projects, so I'm offering the following.  (Note:  I will only accept one client for this offer.)

I am opening one PREMIERE CRITIQUE spot that will include:

* An in-depth critique of your first 75 pages
* A detailed editorial letter
* Comments on your query letter
* A 1-week turnaround from the day I receive your project

This offer is available to the FIRST PERSON who asks for it and makes the down payment.

This offer is most useful for serious writers who are ready to query, or who have already begun to query, a polished manuscript.


NOTE: This offer DOES NOT bump the others from my queue. Instead, I am experimenting with taking on slightly larger projects during the time I'd normally be reading for critique partners.

Cost: $250

($125 down payment due immediately; $125 due after I have finished the critique)

Interested? Email me at Remember, I AM ONLY TAKING ONE OF THESE.

(If it's a success, I will do others as time allows.)

ETA:  THIS SLOT HAS BEEN FILLED.  I am currently working with a waiting list.  THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR INTEREST!


  1. I so wish I was ready to submit my story for this critique but it's not quite as polished as it must be. You're offering a great service to some lucky reader. Someday I may be there as well. Thanks for all the opportunities to learn and to receive feedback.

  2. I would totally be all over this, but I'm not quite there with my new project and am still revising the work you previously critiqued. I really hope you do this again . . . Or that no one jumps on it before my work is ready. LOL
