
Thursday, October 31, 2013


Finally I've caught up to the point where my lag time is no longer ridiculous.  If you've been waiting to sign up for a critique, now's your chance to get one in 2 months OR LESS.  (I try to pad these things.  It's more likely the "OR LESS".)

The details:

  • I will provide a detailed line edit of your first 30 pages, as well as an editorial letter.
  • The cost is $95, payable via Paypal.  $50 down, $45 upon completion of the project.
  • Email me at authoress.edits(at) to discuss your project!  (I will take most genres. Never erotica or erotic romance. Check with me if you're not sure.)
Premiere Critiques:

I am not currently accepting more of these.  I will let you know the next time I do this (not sure if I'll be able to take one on in December or not--stay tuned!).  A Premiere Critique is a detailed line edit and editorial letter for your first 75 pages for $250.  If this is something you'd be interested in down the road, make sure you've "liked" my Authoress Edits Facebook Page to stay current, as well as checking in here regularly for announcements.

And now, back to your regularly scheduled Baker's Dozen frenzy!

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