
Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday Fricassee

It's a bullet list sort of morning.

This is the point at which I say to myself, "Great googly!  The first round of submissions for the Baker's Dozen is THE WEEK AFTER NEXT!"  Then I twitch a little.  So here's a smattering of things in the order in which they appear in my brain.  Shared with affection and thoughts of sushi (which I could really go for right now):

  • Danielle Chiotti has been added to our All-Star Agent Line-Up for the auction, bringing our grand agent total to 14.  A baker's dozen plus one!
  • Submissions for our final Critique Round are this Monday from 9 to 5 EDT.
  • For those of you on Twitter:  the "official" hashtag for this year's Baker's Dozen is #bakersdozen2013.  Feel free to tweet to your heart's delight!  Folks who have never heard about MSFV have been known to find us through a serendipitous tweet.
  • On a personal note: I am filled with squee over the fact that I'm almost finished beat-sheeting The Next Book.  (You know I hate this part, right? Right?? So I'm preening a bit.)
  • On another personal note: Thanks for your kind words last Friday.  I'm in a one-day-at-a-time place right now, and that's okay.  Sometimes life requires of us a tad more chutzpah.  We always end up stronger at the end, yes?
  • If you have any questions about the upcoming Baker's Dozen, please don't hesitate to ask them--right here, in the comment box.  I will do my best to answer in a timely manner.
  • Happy weekend!


  1. If you were in critique round 1 or 2, can you enter in critique round 3 as well? Thanks. Looking forward to Baker's Dozen

  2. Yay on so much of this, especially the brill beat-sheeting!

    Chutzpah is a special thing. I'm glad you have much of it.

  3. Anon -- The idea behind having 3 rounds is to give as many people as possible a chance to get some feedback on their loglines. It's a lottery, so I can't control who gets in. I suppose all is fair in love and loglines?

    Michael -- Sometimes I don't feel like I have enough. But then someone says something nice, and everything feels better. :)

  4. Authoress: you are such a blessing to we Great Unwashed Unpubbeds, (as I call myself and others, heh heh) -- and you've kept me going in my darkest hours, when I've almost given up. Okay, I just had a professional editor / author look at my manuscript, the one I'd love to submit to the Baker's Dozen and hope that I receive great feedback. It's a horror-romance, though, an adult offering, very intense, with some violence... the professional editor who looked at this had her assistant read it too, and she wrote: "thrilling and exciting."

    I'd love to enter this in the Baker's Dozen but I'm afraid that some folks won't care for the horror. (I love Stephen King and "The Walking Dead," what can I say?) Yet the novel is also suspenseful and has humor to occasionally lighten the dark moments and tragedy.

    A couple of people have likened sections of it to "The Night Circus." I'd love to query this, and if agents aren't interested, prepare it for self-publishing, (which is why I sent it to the editor and her assistant).

    But it is horror, and I can't cloak it behind the "paranormal" description in order to market it. I'd want readers to know what they're in for, it's scary at times and romantic, (fingers crossed that it is).

    Should I not submit at all to the Baker's Dozen, respect their preferences? And keep pursuing other channels?

    Thanks in advance for your advice, and again, many blessings to you for your blog and forum. We do love you.

  5. Is this just for MG and YA or can picture books enter as well?

  6. Cheryl -- I will be posting a full list of genres accepted prior to submissions. I haven't culled all the agents' lists yet, so I can't speak to who accepts horror.

    Kirsten -- The Baker's Dozen is for adult, YA, and MG novels only.
