
Monday, November 4, 2013

YA/MG Submissions for Baker's Dozen THIS WEEK

This is it -- your final warning!  You've got one more day to get your loglines and first pages super-shiny.  Ask your last-minute questions below!

(Please note that the submission windows will be open 4 HOURS EARLIER than originally scheduled.  Hopefully this will make things easier for some of you.)

YA and MG entries (all genres accepted):

TUESDAY'S WINDOW:  5 am to 5 pm EST  (maximum 150 entries)
THURSDAY'S WINDOW:  5 am to 5 pm EST (maximum 150 entries)

Good luck, everyone!


  1. Hi

    When I go to the link it says there are not open contests??? Any ideas???

  2. Anonymous, my guess would be because submissions don't open until tomorrow, Tuesday, Novemeber 5th, 2013 5am-5pm
    Try again then. If it still happens, then let Miss Snark know. Good luck!

    1. Uh-hem. I meant, let Authoress know. LoL

  3. That's correct. It says "there are no open contests" because...there are no open contests. :)

  4. Hi Authoress,

    Just to clarify, is it 5am EDT or 8am EDT? It was 8am in the previous posts, but now it's 5, so I want to be sure.

    Thanks so much for doing this!

  5. Hi Authoress - you've probably answered this question a billion times (I searched, but couldn't find the answer), but is it OK if the excerpt runs a tad over 250 words (in order to complete a sentence)?

  6. Sigh... 2AM out here on the West Coast. I'm cool with that.

  7. You don't have to get up that early!! I only extended the window earlier so people to your east would have time to enter before having to leave for work! I really can't see the entire 150 entries filling up in the first couple of hours. Truly! :)

  8. Will the window to submit appear on your blog? I'm a bit confused.

  9. The online submission form is here:

  10. well 05:00am will be noon for me and I'll be stuck in classes then oh well...hopefully the limit won't be reached by lunch

  11. After I hit submit, I noticed a typo and hit the back button to fix it. I only paid once, but I received two emails with consecutive entry numbers. I know only the paid entry will be accepted, but I just didn't want the dud taking up space that someone else could use. Sorry about that!

  12. Just discovered this blog and contest. Very excited!

  13. The preview of my entry looked fine, but once I submitted, it was missing my 250 words. I used plain text, and think the problem may be that I separated my logline from my 250 with a --.

    (I'm sending an email with the full entry, but wanted to post this just in case it was the -- that broke my entry so others can avoid it :-).)

  14. I entered at 7:12 Eastern and was entry # 69. The YA/MG slots are going much faster than the Adult. WOW.

    Good luck to everyone.

    Thanks again Authoress for all that you do to pay it forward.

  15. Authoress,

    I submitted my entry, thought I saw a mistake, clicked "go back to the blog" accidentally and then couldn't get back to my entry. Tried to resubmit but says I already submitted. Trouble is, I haven't paid yet! I certainly want to pay ;) How can I now?

    So sorry for this hassle.

  16. Okay, NEVER MIND, got the email with the link to pay. Sorry, it's been a crazy morning around here...

  17. Wendy when I paid, Pay pal said there was a mistake, but then I got a receipt of payment--and a bot submission number. Crazy here, too. Think I'm good to go now. Thank YOU, Authoress! :D
    ~best of luck everyone.

  18. Got two entries in a little after 7:00 Pacific (10:00 Eastern) and clocked numbers 124 and 126.

    Used a divider line (underline) on one to separate logline and text, but nothing on the other (no words to spare). It seemed to work okay in the preview.

    Already had a Paypal account so that went very smoothly.

  19. I'm thrilled to be a participant. I'm entry #1! Just hope I make the final cut now :)

  20. I had the same problem as gezzykac, above. The preview looked fine and all my words were there. But after I paid with PayPal, it said 45 words.

    Huh?? Was it because I used a line to separate the logline from the 250 word sample? Ack!

  21. Wow, the contest is already full!! I must try again on Thursday at 2am pacific.

  22. I'm in and excited about the next round! However, I had a little issue with PayPal that delayed my payment a few minutes while I reset my password. Like madseasongirl, I got two email acceptances with two consecutive entry numbers (70 [log number 8151] at 6:21 & 71 [log number 8152 at 6:22.)

    With gratitude--and hoping I didn't cause anyone else a problem. :-)

  23. Hausenfpfeffer: don't sweat it. I thought I'd have to get up at 2 AM too, but was told it wouldn't fill up that fast.

    I entered around 7 AM Pacific and there were still about 25 slots left. There were still 9 left an hour or so ago.

  24. I think everything went smoothly for me, but i will admit that i didn't check my entry again after the preview looked okay.

    I think, Authoress, that you said earlier that if our entries are missing something you'll email us, right? But if we know it's missing something we should email you first?
    I don't want to email you needlessly if everything is indeed fine, especially since i'm sure you've got TONS of emails coming in

  25. Woo-hoo! This is so exciting. Good luck, everyone!

  26. You can preview your submission from the email that assigns your entry number. Or is this what everyone means about stuff looking wonky?

  27. Oops. Cancel what I said above about using a line (_____) to separate the logline from the text!

    I did this on one of my entries, and the preview I just checked out only shows the logline! The preview during the entry process looked fine.

    Someone let me know what I can do to fix this. Thanks!

  28. Sarah -- I promise I will email you if anything is missing. :)

    tomalanbrosz -- Yeah, the line is not a good idea. You can email me (facelesswords) with your post number in the subject line and your entry in the body of the email.

  29. I submitted, I paid, I got a confirmation email for both... And then I got an email about an hour later stating it was rejected because it was missing some pertinent info at the top.

    What happens now?

    Do I try and resubmit on the 7th? Will I need to pay again?

    Thanks for your time and help!

  30. Gah! Full up now. I'll set my clock for 5AM on Thursday.

  31. petrichor -- You're fine. It sounds like you tried to email me at the submissions address. The bot reads those as submissions and rejects them. You do not need to submit again.

  32. Say, Authoress, that I put the subgenre of my MS in the genre box but completely missed the genre (YA). Is there a way for me to pencil this in or am I too late or does it not matter? Thanks for everything.

  33. Tracy, we'll probably figure it out as soon as we start reading, but if it makes you feel better, email me your correction (with your post number in the subject line).

  34. I am very to this contest. I submitted on Nov. 5th, and everything seemed fine. However I did have a problem with pasting my story and deleted it along with my logline and did not realize it. I only re-pasted my story. Is there something I can do to rectify this situation, so my entry is toss out for being incomplete?

  35. RAGreyson -- Send your correct to me (facelesswords) with your post # in the subject line.

  36. This is such an awesome opportunity!
    Good luck, all!

  37. Thanks so much for this contest!! Good luck to everyone, and I can't wait to see the entries!

  38. Hi, Entry won't fit LOL Although 100 word logline + first 250 words = 350 there is only room for 325 in the entry form. Looks like I'm going to miss this one while I try and pare the logline down to fit.

  39. Thank you for the opportunity! Looking forward to this as an exciting way to round out the year.

  40. I just entered but the genre wouldn't appear in preview. It was just a red question mark no matter what I typed. Can I fix that somehow?

    Thanks for the contest!

  41. MIchele -- Just send me your genre in an email with your post number in the subject line (to facelesswords).

  42. Thank you Authoress. It actually showed up in the preview link so I believe all is well. Sorry for the trouble.

  43. Authoress,

    I had a couple of glitches with my entry and wanted to verify it. I did send you an email at facelesswords with my questions.

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