
Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Exclusive Ends Today!

The Baker's Dozen agents are given one week to read the partials and fulls they won in the auction.  After that, they're allowed to ask for anything they'd like.  In other words, they get to sample the tasty morsels that slipped through their fingers the first time.

Today's the day I send out those requests!  (Well, and tomorrow.  Because I'm not sure I can get to them all today.)  Also?  There were some non-bidding, lurking agents hanging about who have also sent requests.  And even an editor.

So I'll be busy sending out sparkly emails today.  (Which, though time consuming, is actually quite fun.  It's the whole Fairy Godmother thing--I never get tired of it!)

We're going to have a good, old-fashioned, in-house critique session next week.  WON'T THAT BE NICE?  And it'll include both completed projects and WIPs.  So now that the hoopla has died down, let's roll up our sleeves for some pre-Christmas critiquing, yes?



  1. Fairy Godmothers are waaaay better than Christmas elves because they're there for you year-round. Hoping for lots of fairy dust today for my fellow Baker's Dozen alums! Thanks.

  2. Woo yay!

    Just because I'm an organizational nerd, I'd love to know how you handle it. Do you just tackle all the requests from on agent, then move on to the next?

    Or do you do it by entry (so send out all the requests for an entry, then move onto the next entry?)

    Or is it just like "I'll send them in whatever order they came in".


  3. Whoo-Hoo! Hooray for fairy dust!

  4. I've been silently shaking my fist at all these Baker's Dozen emails I've been getting lately... my daughter--the cheeky little girl she's already growing up to be--decided she needed to come to the world 2 months before her due date! Just before the Baker's madness began (and as I was polishing up my log line for posting), I had an emergency C-section and spent the next 38 days visiting my little angel in the NICU. She's home now (yay!) But I could swear she came when she did just to mess with my writing mo-jo! Haha! Alas.... I shall have to tackle you again next year, Baker's Dozen ( :

  5. In the December 4th post it said everyone was supposed to email you to get instructions for submitting to the agent who bid on their entry. If I'm still waiting for a reply to that email, would that be because there are some you haven't gotten to yet, or does that mean my email must have been eaten and you didn't receive it...?

  6. Sarah -- I'm not as organized with this part of the contest as I should be! But I do have all the emails marked as "Baker's Dozen 2013 Requests", and then I go through them. If one agent has requested 6, I go through that agent's list, then move to the next agent. It would be WAY harder to go by entry number.

  7. L.C. you should have emailed me right away! I will be in touch.
