
Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Fricassee

Hello, writers!

A few things, and then a small request:

1.  We're going to have a "First Two" for MG next week.  Details will post on Tuesday.

2.  If you haven't read my first Critique Observations post on writing dialogue, YOU CAN READ IT NOW.

3.  I'm all caught up on my 3-page critiques (they're short and sweet and I sprinkle them in between my larger projects).  If you would like a line edit of your first 3 pages, please contact me at authoressedits(at)  The cost is $18 and the turnaround is quick.

And now for the request:

I'd like to take the pulse of my regular readership.  Friday's a good day to do it, because I've heard over and over from many of you who say that Friday Fricassee is your favorite post of the week.  So hopefully you're, yanno, reading this.

If you would, please leave a little comment below containing as much of the following info as you're comfortable sharing:

  • age
  • sex
  • where you live (state/province/region -- please no cities or addresses!)
  • what you write
  • whether you are aspiring, agented, or published (or an agent or editor)
  • one sentence about what you find most helpful on the blog (or the main reason you come here)
  • one sentence about your dream...or your heart...or whatever reflects your passion

This will help me to continue in the right direction as I continue through this year on the blog.  It will also offer me an extra bit of connection to each of you.  And, yeah, I love that.

Tomorrow morning, I will randomly choose one commenter to receive a $10 Barnes and Noble gift card.  A small way to say "thank you" for your participation in my little survey.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. 30ish, female, LA, UF, aspiring.
    Love the crits and the contests.

  2. Male, Chicago, aspiring. For the critiques, contests, and your heartfelt posts. I dream to be an author and possibly make an impact on the world and the environment!

  3. 31
    DC Metro area
    Adult SF

    I find the agent critiques the most helpful, and then the critique partner dating service.

    I want to write something that makes a reader go 'yes, this author is speaking directly to me' the way I feel when I read a fantastic novel.

  4. 36, female, Missouri, MG & YA, aspiring

    I enjoy your posts about what works in queries, as well as participating in secret agent contests and reading through them.

  5. 28/female/Connecticut/aspiring/YA SF/F

    I enjoy the opportunities I find here to connect with agents as well as the wider writing community (and also the Friday Fricassee!)

    I dream to move from aspiring to published with my own writing and also to work in the background helping other aspiring writers to put fantastic manuscripts on bookshelves :)

  6. Almost 51, M, Portland, Oregon; agented and always aspiring to be better. I write middle grade, with an occasional picture book/chapter book thrown in the mix. I love your tender advice and the support you give writers of all stripes--and I love the Bakers' Dozen because that's when I really came to believe. On top of the usual publication dreams, I am passionate about encouraging children to turn from their devices and read actual books. And to drink tea. I want everyone to drink tea.

    Happy Friday to you all!

  7. 38
    MG & YA Fantasy (various stripes)
    Came to check out the contests, stayed for the insight! (Haven't entered yet, but reading the posts & feedback on entries is highly educational)

  8. 47, female, Colorado
    MG/YA, aspiring
    critiquing/getting critiqued
    I want to write something that gets a kid interested in reading for the rest of their life.

  9. not quite 40, female, Florida, SF/F adult/NA/YA, aspiring.

    I love the contests and critiques. This blog has helped me grow as a writer and I'm thankful for everything you do :-)

  10. 35
    Ontario, Canada
    Upper MG Fantasy & PBs
    Still aspiring

    I like everything about the blog - the contests, seeing how an agent thinks, the crits (even if I don't participate as much as I should), the advice, the community, and especially the Friday Fricasees.

    I write because my characters won't let me NOT tell their stories - but I'd love to get them published and be able to share them

  11. 30s-ish ;)
    Greater Chicago
    YA contemporary
    Agented (from Bakers Dozen 2012!)
    I like the critique opportunities and writing advice.

    I want to write books that reflect cultural and racial diversity; I want to write the books I wish I had available when I was younger.

  12. 32 - Female - living in Colorado.
    I write Fantasy, aspire to write *excellent* Fantasy, but don't currently have the energy to contemplate trying to get published.
    I mostly come to this blog to to learn from the critiques and from the summary posts about what makes different types of writing work or not (!very happy to see your dialogue post the other day).
    I have a deep interest in the creation of worlds, including those fictional, personal, and astronomical.

  13. Male

    Age - old enough to know better but young enough to do it anyway

    New York

    I write across genres...both for kids and adults - lately concentrating on mystery

    Many of my shorts have been published (oh that sounded almost weird - I mean my short stories) and you can link to them from my blog. Have also recently done the e-pubbing thing. Am querying on a completed project for children and another for YA. I would love to connect with more writers so come visit.

    I love this blog because I learn that everyone struggles with the same things - pacing, dialogue, characterization, etc... and it is a very very supportive community.

    My dream is to one day have enough money to create a writer's retreat where people could come to work on their craft, support one another and receive instruction and support - both financial and emotional

  14. late 20s, female, NYC
    NA Fantasy (with LGBTQ focus), aspiring
    I enjoy the advice, the critiques, and the general atmosphere of the community.
    My dream is to tell stories people can connect with.

  15. I'm a 41 year old male living in beautiful Charleston, SC.

    I'm a prepublished writer of speculative fiction.

    I come to MSFV to learn to improve my writing and help others improve their own.

    My dream is that one day I'll write something that will make my readers reconsider how they view the world and their place in it. I dream of writing something that will touch hearts and minds, and point toward a power and a reality greater than ourselves.

    I also dream to make enough from my writing to do it full time and to have greater control over my time and ultimately spend more time with my wife and two wonderful children.

  16. 40


    Wellington, New Zealand

    YA Contemporary


    Companionship and support - knowing your experience is not unique is sometimes the only thing that keeps you going.

    My dream is to write books that mean something to readers and that they will cherish and share with others.

  17. 39, Female, Utah, Middle Grade.
    My first book comes out
    in June! (not agented) I've gotten some fabulous feedback from this blog and I've learned a lot by comparing my critiques with agent comments. I want to keep improving and get more books published.

  18. 37, female, Western MA
    I write mostly fiction (mostly literary/cross-genre, adult) and some poetry
    I've had short fiction and poetry published (including a poetry chapbook from a small press), and am now working on a novel (not yet agented)
    I love the warmth and camaraderie on the blog, and I like seeing what agents and editors have to say about works in progress.
    Stories matter.

  19. 23, female, Oklahoma
    I write YA fantasy
    The critique and contest opportunities, it's a great way to get noticed and get feedback.
    My dream is to be a published author and support myself doing what I love most.

  20. Mid 30s, female from Northern California. SF/F, Adult/YA
    On the hunt for an agent

    I love the critiques and contests (I always learn a ton from the secret agent contests because the agent goes through and offers critique), but I also really like what you have to say about the journey. I'm rooting for you!

    The reason I write, is because every time I pull back the cover on some dark secret in my life, someone in the crowd comes back with "I thought I was the only one." I write to tell people they aren't alone.

  21. I know I'm a bit of a lurker, but also a loyal reader!

    21/f/East Coast
    YA/MG (mainly YA, and mainly fantasy/speculative)
    Aspiring and hoping to query soon
    For the critiques, your lovely insights into writing life and the community!
    I write for the young girl I am, and was, and for other girls like her.

  22. 1) 35
    2) F
    3) Utah
    4) YA (mostly contemporary)
    5) Aspiring
    6) Most helpful are your own thoughts about writing and the pub industry (both encouragements & frustrations).
    7)I'd LOVE to one day be able to evoke the kind of emotion/imagery that Maggie Stiefvater does with her writing.

  23. 34/F/Texas
    I write a bit of YA, but I am an agent of YA and MG.
    I keep coming back because your honesty is refreshing and I'm waiting for the day you get to announce your first book deal and reveal the true Authoress identity. :)

  24. 43
    Rhode Island
    Had short stories published, but no books yet
    Love the contests but also the support and insight
    I want to share my writing with the world

  25. Yes, I am a lurker, but I do consider myself a faithful reader!
    I'm a 36-year-old female from Idaho. I'm an aspiring author writing an upper-middle grade historical adventure novel. I love the blog because I feel like it a great opportunity to get in touch with a fabulous writing community. Someday I hope to be able to write that "success story" to you someday to thank you for all the encouragement!

  26. 34
    I bask in your encouragement and enthusiasm.
    I will perish if I cannot create.

  27. 34/F/Washington DC/NOVA area
    Aspiring. I came for the contests, but stayed for the amazing feedback and advice you give. I love to write and hope that one day I will be able to share my work with the world through an agent and publishing house.

  28. 30/F/NJ. I am an aspiring author of YA and a sponge of industry knowledge. I find reading your thoughts concerning the industry/ your writing a welcomed perspective. All the contest/peer critique opportunities don't hurt either (altho that darn bot hasn't chosen me yet). My dream is to walk into a bookstore one day and hold my book.

  29. 1. 43
    2. Female
    3. North Carolina
    4. mostly YA, a little NA and MG (Fantasy)
    5. aspiring
    6. The critiques from the contests are so helpful!
    7. I want to write stories that people connect with and evoke all sorts of emotions.

  30. age 30
    sex F
    where you live: DC
    what you write: PB, MG, YA
    whether you are aspiring, agented, or published: Publishing fall of this year

    one sentence about what you find most helpful on the blog : I love the critiques and lurk over them often.
    one sentence about your dream...or your heart...or whatever reflects your passion : My goal is to make peoples day better with stories that make them smile, or cry, or get them riled up, or laugh until their cheeks hurt.

  31. 45
    New York
    YA contemporary/Adult Women's Fiction
    Aspiring, but had one short story published.
    I find many things helpful, but two are - getting a feel for what people respond to and what leaves them cold from the critiques; seeing what agents respond to and how they view submissions.

    My dream is to publish. If what I publish resonates or pleases people, I'd be very happy. If it makes me some money, that would be the icing.

  32. 22
    Puerto Rico
    Science Fiction and Fantasy

    Published, plenty of nonfiction, one short story; currently seeking representation

    I like the Friday Fricassees, and I'm excited about the critique sessions.
    I also like the contests, but honestly I never read them; I read Friday Fricassee every week.

    I'm going to be a superhero when I grow up.

  33. 31 (for 10 more days)
    SFF (adult and YA)
    I-take-this-seriously writer but pre-agented (didn't you have a blog post a while back about reconsidering how we use the word "aspiring"?)

    The critiques are helpful, as well as simply the community of support you've built! I also found a fabulous CP through one of the CP dating rounds. :)

    My dream is to tell stories that express the beauty and horror and joy and despair of being human (no, not necessarily at one go), and have those stories pay all the bills. :)

  34. 58



    Suspense/Thriller/Mystery is main genre. Also write SS, essays, creative nonfiction, may have an article about wilderness canoeing published soon.


    I mainly come for the critiquing/ submitting opportunities, but also enjoy the writing instruction and advice.

    I'd like to get a novel published and after that, earn some steady income (doesn't need to be zillions- just enough to cover my golf expenses)

  35. 34
    SF/F/H (mostly adult)
    Newly) Agented
    Contests/crit sessions. Nothing like a bunch of other eyes to help you spot problems.
    I'd like to eventually make a living as an author (which is pretty good incentive to improve my skills every day).

  36. 26
    YA Fantasy
    Aspiring, but also a professional copyeditor and freelance editor
    I started coming for the critiques. I keep reading to stay connected, although I have not worked on my book for a little while.
    Turning writing things I like into income.

  37. 33
    Adult Urban Fantasy
    Aspiring - currently seeking representation
    I love coming here to read critiques and all of your helpful advice on writing and the publishing industry
    My dream is to be published and eventually have writing be my only job


  38. Early 30s

    I came to practice giving and receiving critique, but it's been a while since I've done more than read the posts in feedly.

    I want to improve as a writer to do justice to the stories in my head.

  39. 33, F, Ga, Aspiring, YA NA SFF-R
    I came to the blog for the contests but stay for the wealth of insight and resources it provides.

    I dream of writing and selling stories that captivate readers.

  40. I am a woman in her late thirties recently moved from Seattle to San Antonio (where I grew up).

    I am a published instructional and soon-to-be published games writer, a freelance editor and audiobook narrator, and an aspiring science fiction/fantasy short story writer.

    I continue to read this blog even though I'm not in the target audience because I enjoy lurking around such a supportive community of writers.


  41. * 64
    * female
    * California
    * epic fantasy (for adults)
    * aspiring author, freelance editor
    * I come for the input--to give (which helps me also) and to receive when possible
    * fantasy gives me the best opportunity to imagine and to reflect reality at the same time

  42. 32, female, California
    YA--all genres
    I come for the camaraderie & peoples' thoughts & reflections on the writing & publishing journey. Such good vibes here! I used to come for the contests, but I don't have the time I used to have for reading & critiquing.
    My dream is to earn enough from writing fiction that I don't have to get a job once my youngest kid starts school.

  43. Never ask a lady her age... ;)
    I live in Arizona and I write literary science fiction and fantasy.
    I am currently seeking an agent.

    I enjoy reading your blog because of your charming voice and the sense of camaraderie that comes from sharing the trials and triumphs that fellow writers understand best, but I also really appreciate the practical resources here, such as critiques and the different opportunities to connect with agents.

    I would love to be able to write full-time. Since it's doubtful that the kind of books I write could ever generate enough income to support me, it looks like I'll have to find another means of becoming independently wealthy so I can write in leisure. :D

  44. 32, Female
    Ontario, Canada
    I write fantasy and urban fantasy.
    I'm self-publishing my first book in April. I'm going through the whole "how to publish a book" learning process now. Book cover = done! Dev editing = First revision done! Three more rounds of edits on the way.

    Although the last few months have been too busy for me to participate, I enjoy reading and commenting on the critiques (including Secret Agent contests).

    Someday, I want to be able to support myself and my family on my writing. I believe that self-publishing is now a viable start to that dream, although I recognize I will need to work for several years to build my backlist. I would consider becoming agented, but I haven't decided what path I will continue down ultimately.

  45. 30
    YA (sci-fi/fantasy)

    Contests are my favorite as it gives a good snapshot of where the aspiring pool is trending, and I enjoy giving critiques/seeing agent critiques/what agents are interested in.

    I would like to connect with readers, on any level and in any number... and my secret dream is to have a fandom based on my books.

  46. 28
    YA (interested in most genres - contemp, fantasy, sci-fi, thriller)
    Aspiring writer still!
    I mostly follow because there are all the things an aspiring writing needs - advice, critiques, contests, and other helpful writers
    I would love to be able to support myself with my writing and see my book on store shelves one day..

  47. Chronologically 44, not near that old any other way




    Querying for an agent

    I look to the blog for honesty about craft, the publishing world, and what it means to be a writer.

    I want to believe.

  48. 31, Female, western PA, YA SF/F, aspiring.

    Answering "everything" won't work, huh? The critiques have helped me the most.

    Dream? To be traditionally published and be in a position to pay forward all the help I've received along the way. The writing community is amazing.

  49. 35
    North Carolina

    This blog helped me get where I am. Honest critique has always been the most helpful thing to me as a writer. I found that here for myself, now I can give back and do that for other authors too.

    I want to be a unicorn. Or Loki, if that doesn't work out.

  50. Age: 22
    Sex: Male
    I write YA, NA, historical fantasy with the occasional children’s book when the creative muse hits me up side the head.
    Aspring and learning so much.
    Seeing other writers wanting to tell the best story they can is very inspiring to me. (Also Authoress is awesome)
    I want to tell good stories to people, that is my dream. I just need to learn how to write a book. There is a lot more to it than I originally thought when I began to write a historical fantasy book set during the Revolutionary War.

  51. 34, Female, Chicago Suburbs, Adult SF/F, aspiring

    I love the way your site helps me connect to other writers at various stages in the process, and the way your personal reflections remind me that being published is ALWAYS about being almost-there, in some sense of the phrase.

    I write because I love to, and because my parents defied every stereotype of the parents of a daughter with impractical dreams, supporting me all the way. Getting published would reward me -- and them -- for the faith we put into my education.

  52. 28, gal, NJ, YA, aspiring

    The contests are great and I got some great requests and edits from them in the past. The Ultimate dream for me is to walk into a bookstore and see my book on a shelf.

  53. Female and old enough to know better. I live in Bedfordshire, UK. I write fantasy and women's fiction and have a full out with a UK agent and a request for more of my work from a publisher. Your blog is the hub for writers from all walks of life with one thing in common; we all want our work to be read by others, and it's encouraging to be among like-minded people. I lurk mostly here but I read everything and greatly appreciate the huge effort you make to keep this blog going. If only I were as diligent. Thank you for all you do.

  54. Female, forties, small town Wyoming. Aspiring to publication in young adult and MG science fiction and fantasy. Love the community here and opportunities. I think you are well balanced between agent-visited opportunities and critique opportunities, and other helpful (and fun) stuff. My dream: to write something that would touch the heart of kids the way some books touched mine when I was a kid.

  55. 28
    Northern California
    MG/YA Contemporary
    I like your blog for the community it offers. Love the honesty in the Friday posts. I also like to peek in on the contests and cheer along my favorites.
    Content with life, just want to get published!

  56. I am a 48 year old female from Kansas (although I'll always be a Missourian at heart!) I write humorous contemporary Middle Grade and am 'pre-published'. What I want most is to write books that will give kids the same pleasure that I got from reading as a child. I love the critiques because I always learn something! Please keep them coming.

  57. 34-year old woman from Ontario, Canada. I write fantasy and science fiction for grown ups, and have temporarily given up the search for an agent or publisher in order to write short stories for a while.

    I started reading the blog when I was trying to find an agent for my YA novel, and though I have since realized my book was not good enough to print, I still find other people's ideas/journeys fascinating! I hope to get back to writing novels again some day once I've learned a thing or two doing the short story thing, and then I will be back as a more frequent contributor. ;)

    My dream is simply to gain a little legitimacy, or something, by my writing. No need to quit my day job... I would just like to write something that resonates with other people.

  58. 31, female, KY, YA SF & Contemporary, aspiring

    I love your contests and critiques because they help me connect with, learn from, and help other writers.

    I've been writing since I was old enough to read. I'd like to be a published author so that I can help readers feel what other writers have made me feel.

  59. Female, CA, MG & YA fiction. Just signed my first book contract for a YA historical novel.
    I've always loved to write (and read!) and chose to focus on children's fiction hoping to bring them the feelings books gave me when I was young, the worlds they opened, the things they taught, the feelings they expressed.

  60. 32
    YA historical fantasy

    I learn a lot from the Secret Agents: what works and what doesn't. And I really enjoy the vibe of this community. You seem like a warm and loving person, and it must be contagious. This is a place where people can post their work and receive honest feedback without being shredded.

  61. Oops, hit enter to soon...I love reading all your posts, and especially appreciate the time and effort you put into the contests!

  62. F, 44, SF Bay Area, aspiring; MG, YA fantasy/speculative, and a PB dabbler

    Came for the contests, stayed for the honest conversation and community. Love all the posts, whether they're about craft, writers' lives, writing advice. The competitions are also a nice long-term goal for me -- I'd love to have something ready to send to Baker's Dozen this fall...

  63. 47, female, YA and MG fantasy, Agented and published

    I used to come to enter the contests, now I like to watch the fun.

  64. 31, female, Utah.
    I write fantasy and poetry. Published in poetry, but not fiction.
    I come for the contests and the community.
    I want to bring magic into this world with my writing; so many grow up and forget that magic.

  65. Age 42
    MG and YA speculative fiction

    I find the contests and the comments in the contests most helpful because they expose me to a lot of different writing at a lot of different stages.

    I would like to be an author that gets kids or keeps kids reading. I want to share the joy that I had reading at that age. I would like my children to read "me."

  66. 42, Colorado, YA, agented. I'm quite a lurker and subscribed to a jillion blogs early on that I could never keep up with. However, I read yours faithfully, and come back for the inspiration and encouragement.

  67. 33
    Ontario, Canada
    Women's Fiction
    I find the community feedback on WIP's the most important part of this site (whether fellow writers, agents, editors and such).
    I would like to be published one day and connect with readers everywhere.

  68. 42
    PA soon to be CO in June
    contemp MG & contemp YA

    I find all of the contests and critique opportunities helpful in terms of reading others' work and viewing the comments.

    I decided to start writing to prove to myself that I was able to be creative despite the negativity I experienced from two English teachers long ago.

  69. 29/F/UT/Aspiring/YA

    My favorite thing about this blog is the critiques. Reading and giving feedback, even when it's not my work, is super helpful.

    My dream is to walk into a bookstore, and see my name on the spine of a book people are loving.

  70. Female, aspiring, Northern Ontario Canada, contemporary romance/romantic suspense

    Love everything you do - your honesty, hard work and attitude. The 1st 250 word crits are super helpful (others are too but those are my favourites)

    I love the community here - how kind and generous people are with their time. I also love the 'no bashing' 'be helpful' policies!

  71. 41, Female, Maryland.

    I write YA Paranormal, Dystopian, Urban Fantasy, and Contemporary.

    I am agented (Due in part to the help received right here during a Secret Agent Contest:-))

    I love the contests and reading the work of other writers. It's such a great learning tool.

    My dream is to have enough characters, stories, and ideas to fill a long career!

  72. I'm 35, female, and live in Ohio. I write YA and MG.

    I love your heartfelt post and the contests that you have.

    I want to write something that will make other people feel what I do when I finish a great book. I also want to show my children that hard work pays off, and to never give up on your dreams.

  73. 65, F, Hawaii
    former magazine managing editor, and I still write travel articles for clients. I'm also author of a non-fiction nature book, but now I'm writing a mystery novel series, set in Hawaii and starring a part-Hawaiian police detective.
    I enjoy (and learn from) the critiques, your posts about writing and the opportunities to connect with agents.
    My dream is to have my Hawaiian mystery series published nationally.

  74. 55, female, Gulf Coast, MG, pre-published
    Crits, contests, community
    Books were everything to me when I had no other way to explore the wider world. Even now that I have more freedom, I'm grateful to authors and their imaginations. I want to be an author when I grow up!

  75. 46, Female, Front Royal, VA
    YA sci-fi with lots of diversity (racial, neuro). Aspiring in YA and published as poet and short fiction author.
    Love the blog for the contests, support, and connections.
    My dream is to publish YA fiction that helps brings minority protagonists and underrepresented topics to readers.

  76. 22, female, Melbourne, aspiring
    I write YA predominantly, though I write short fiction for adults.
    The best bits for me are the crits - I love reading other people's work and getting a chance to apply comments to my own work.
    I've spent a solid ten minutes trying to decide what my dream is, but I can't come up with anything more creative than traditional publishing.

  77. age = 79
    sex = male
    I live in California, north of the San Francisco Bay area
    I write middle-grade novels
    I have Short stories published and MG novels self-published.
    I dearly love access to agents and editors (and I read your blog for its wit)

  78. 18, Female, Michigan, aspiring.

    I've mostly written YA fantasy, though lately I've been leaning more towards contemporary romance and (gasp!) fanfiction.

    I'm not currently thinking about publication, though it's something that I want to aim for in the future, so my favorite part of this website is all the publishing advice! (That's a rather broad category, isn't it?)

    I'd like to publish my novels eventually, but for now, I don't have any goals except to continue writing stories that I enjoy and that I'm proud of.

  79. I'm female.
    I like to think that I am as young as I like to think I look.
    I live in Northern California.
    I write and illustrate and am currently at work on a middle grade fantasy, as well as a picture book (not MG), but I will also write for the adult market (and seemed to have been ambushed by a cartoon character who is quite insistent that I get her up on my blog, though I have never considered writing/illustrating comics/graphic novels before.)
    I am a newbie to this blog, and I've only been reading it since last October. I enjoy your writing, your persona as "authoress", the writing community here, the crits, your commentaries on the writing art (like your recent post on dialogue) and the contests (though I've never participated in them).
    My passion is writing and illustrating and my day is not complete unless I have put in a little time on both. My dream is to publish writing/illustrating that makes a difference in people's lives and that gets me paid. Rave reviews and numerous awards would be most choice, as well.

  80. 17, female, aspiring. From West Virginia. YA/MG. I'm focusing on trying to finish my projects and learning as much as I can about writing craft. I enjoy the Friday Fricassee posts and reading the comments during the crits for these reasons. I love discovering new characters, but I also want to commit to some of them long enough to finish something.

  81. - 19
    - female
    - Michigan
    - YA thrillers, speculative, and contemporary
    - aspiring
    - I find the critiques most helpful about this blog. By reading entries and others critiques of them, I get a better feel for what works and doesn't work in general, which I then can apply to my own writing.
    - Like probably almost everyone here, my dream is to publish a novel someday.

  82. 35
    Southern California
    YA Contemporary
    I used to come for the agent comments, but I've become a bit disheartened on that front. I need to participate more in the critique sessions again, though because they're always fun.
    My dream (like so many others) is to make a living writing--not be rich, to be able to make ends meet doing what I love.

  83. 37
    YA, PBs, and children's poetry
    Highlights Mag publishes my poetry. I'm still aspiring in the book department. :o)
    I like reading through writing samples and critiques.
    My passion is helping children develop and get excited about their own reading (or writing) skills.

  84. SK, retirement age female, pre-published. I have a completed memoir, an incomplete MG, and several NF projects in mind. I came to learn from the writing samples and criticism, and would love to participate if/when you include memoir.

  85. - 44
    - Female
    - Texas!
    - Speculative (subgenres of thriller and Inspirational)
    - Experienced at Aspiring
    - Fun contests & crits & positive outlook found here. It's encouraging and the critting helps me get better. Thanks for that!
    - My dream? To leave a piece of the best of myself behind.

  86. 38 Female
    Currently living in Arkansas, though I'm from all over.
    YA Adventure, Fantasy.
    Searching for agent.
    I love reading the samples and am grateful for the insight that comes from getting critiqued myself.
    I love the opportunity to perhaps catch an agent's eye, but I feel like I'm learning so much hear. I've become more skilled as I keep up with other writers. I feel connected with the writing community. And I really love your enthusiasm and heart, Authoress.

  87. 44 year old female
    MG Fanatasy, historical fiction
    Seeking an agent
    I enjoy the opportunities to meet an agent.
    My dream is to one day provide for my four children doing something I love and allows me to contribute beauty and compassion to society. (It would also be nice to not have to work three jobs)

  88. * 20 (almost 21!)
    * female
    * Alaska
    * YA fantasy(epic to urban)/historical/a little contemporary
    * Set to query sometime in the next couple months!
    * I mainly read the Friday posts, and I come for perspective—to see how other people balance(or don't…) writing and life—and occasionally to see what people like and don't like in a story. To see what works and what doesn't and why. =) It's a great resource. ^^
    * My dream is to share what I love with as many people as possible, and then maybe that some of them will love it, too. =P

  89. Old enough to be legal
    YA/A Mystery/Thriller
    I've sold short stories. Currently querying novels.
    Always enjoy hearing about other people and their writing journeys and craft issues.
    My dream was to be able to leave FT teaching so I would have more time for my writing. It came true this year and I'm teaching PT at the college level and enjoying "office hours" for my writing for the first time.

  90. Female, 30, Lancaster, CA, PB, MG, YA, aspiring. I am a huge fan of crits and contests. Writing is a habit I couldn't break if I wanted to.

  91. 30
    MG and YA
    Almost published (My debut comes out next year from Putnam/Penguin)

    I like the Friday Fricassee posts as well as the Secret Agent contests (though I don't often have time to comment/critique).

    Right now, it feels like I'm in just-keep-swimming mode--just keep swimming when the waters get rough, and sooner or later, they'll even out.

  92. 44
    northern california
    mainly humorous PBs but am on 3rd draft of humorous MG
    aspiring but have been published in magazines

    I love your gentle truth-speaking, heartfelt cheerleading, and relentless drive to help us while at the same time tirelessly creating for yourself. Amazing! Thank you!

    My dream is to create stories that kids devour and feel such a strong connection to the characters that they never want it to end. I love that feeling when I read a book and want to instill that joy in others.

  93. 33
    New York (not the city)
    YA dystopian/Christian historical fiction/picture books
    The community in general (have entered a few of the crit sessions)
    Would love to be published some day, but my teaching/library passion is taking precedence for me right now (by choice)

  94. Just tipping the wrong side of 50
    Victoria, Australia
    YA Fantasy
    I love it all. The critique rounds, the Critique Dating Service (I'd like to see a Beta Reader Dating Service, even though I don't have anything ready for beta readers yet. I'd be happy to scour through the submissions and read work that interested me), the Secret Agent Contests, Friday Fricassee, words of advice, the occasional glimpse into where you're at. ALL of it.
    I'm content to get the nagging stories out of my head onto paper, but I guess in a perfect world it would be very nice to be published.

  95. * 47, Female, AZ
    * YA Speculative
    * Aspiring
    * I'm new to your blog. As I read delightful past posts and discover the contests and critique opportunities, I am very glad I found you.
    I love that you advise us to read our ms - especially our dialogue - out loud. I do that too, and I've had moments of complete hilarity similar to yours when I HEAR some of the words I've ACTUALLY WRITTEN believing they're "natural".

    * I dream of writing books my children will read with delight, ones where they say, "I loved it so much I didn't want it to end."
    And, quite a bit more prosaic-ly (is that a word?), I dream of finding an agent who loves my work, and getting published.

  96. 48,female, YA&MG, aspiring.
    I like the feeling of community when reading the blog - from my isolated post at the keyboard, I feel connected.
    My dream: Of course, to be read and enjoyed.

  97. female
    Los Angeles area
    pubbed with small presses, looking for an agent
    came for Baker's Dozen when it first started, stayed for critiques, secret agent contests and your posts.
    My dream is to make a living writing full-time and to be pubbed with a traditional publisher.

  98. 27 female Northern California

    Aspiring YA Fantasy author in revision/query mode.

    I mainly come here for information about the publishing industry and the for the Secret Agent contests.

    My dream is to have my books widely read and my characters widely loved.

  99. 36, M
    Chiang Mai, Thailand

    I write Sci-fi/Fantasy for any market that will pay me.


    I used to come for the Agent Contests, but now I come to help slash because the author is awesome :-)

  100. 36
    YA Contemporary
    The critiques are so helpful and I love Friday Fricassee
    To write stories that people can get lost inside.

  101. 47
    Upstate SC
    Mainly speculative and fiction. I also write a bimonthly column at type2nation and edit for TQR

  102. 39, female, Caribbean, YA, aspiring. I love the wtiting advice and learning about critiques. I want to create worlds that readers never want to leave.

  103. 50'ish. MG,plays,picture books, Texas, published (plays)and aspiring, no agent.
    Friday is my favorite post day, and I subscribe to this blog for the inspiration. Everybody needs a bit of hope,especially in a profession that takes years to grab the golden ring. I love writing...that's the end and the beginning of my story.

  104. Age? Old enough to know better, but young enough to do it again. Heh. Ahem... In other words, 38 going on much younger. I'm a Tennessee lass happily stuck in the wonderful world of YA fiction. One day I will, WILL be pubbed. One day...
    This blog is a source of information, inspiration, honesty, community, and so much more! I wouldn't change a thing.
    My passion is in stories, always has been. I may not ever be dubbed a literary genius, but I would be pleased as punch to create stories for others to get lost in. To create a place where readers can escape the hum-drum of their lives, just as the authors I read do for me, would be the best--thing--ever.

  105. Age: 32
    Sex: Female
    State: North Carolina
    What I write: humorous novels and essays
    I love a chance to read what other people are writing.
    I am passionate about books and writing in all of their forms.

  106. Child of the 60's
    North Carolina
    MG fantasy/Adult Mystery

    I love reading and critiquing the material. It teaches me so much. I especially like the "First Two" because it encourages both complete and incomplete works and limits the number of entries to a manageable fifteen. I also love reading Friday Fricassee and the heartfelt journey of the Authoress.

    I would love to walk into a bookstore and see some little kid sprawled on the floor engrossed in my book.

  107. Mentally I'm 35, but my doctor says I'm 64.
    Female, Pennsylvania
    I am under contract for first novel (Adult/Thriller). No pub date yet.
    My WIP is an adult paranormal novel. I have ideas for SciFi's and mysteries.
    My passions are writing & martial arts.
    I love your crits & prompts and words of wisdom.

  108. As young as I feel.
    Female, Texas
    Commercial Women's Fiction
    Aspiring--I like that term.
    This blog is a nurturing island in a sea of skeptics.
    I'm passionate about my family. I write because I can't avoid it.

  109. 47
    MG Fantasy
    I came to MSFV for the Secret Agent contests (I like reading both the commenters' and the agents' feedback, seeing where they line up and where they differ), but lately I've been enjoying your posts on the lessons you've learned from slush reading and editing.
    I dream of writing stories so good that people pay to read them :).

  110. 30s
    YA/MG Fantasy
    I come here for contests, encouragement, and writing advice.
    The last one's hard. Right now my dream is to be a successful author, but I think that's pretty common around here.

  111. Have been lying about my age since I was 40.
    That, of course, makes me female.
    I write across genres, current WIP is MG sci-fi.
    I have two self-published YAs, one of which sells slowly but steadily, the other was Writers Digest No. 1 self-pubbed YA of the year. Now I am looking for an agent.
    I have followed you for years from the Blue Board. Love everything you do.
    I am at an emotional crisis with my work. Have several unpubbed novels, both adult and childrens, and can't seem to get them to the point where an agent grabs. Have had R&Rs, real encouragement, near misses, and I am just really beaten down.

  112. Age is a state of mind over matter, it hasn't mattered for over 50 years.

    I live on my pedestal and have not intention of coming down. I like my husband opening doors for me. (Female)

    In an area often accused of wanting to be another state- N. VA

    No agent to say yes, yet- but have one looking- E-published and receiving royalties for over 6 year.

    You, Authoress and I are kindred spirits- I need your words of wisdom as a confirmation, I'm not alone and my husband isn't blinded by love.

    I want to share my worlds and my characters- they demand it.

  113. late40s
    MG (mostly Fantasy)

    I come here for contests, writing advice and a glimpse at what others are saying.

    I'd like to be published, but mostly I like to create conflict then resolve it (the latter being much easier than in real life) :)

  114. I was out of town over the weekend and didn't get to participate, but here's my info anyway:

    Not one of your 30-somethings-55
    I write young adult and MG fantasy.

    I enjoy the contests, and I enjoy your inspirational posts. It's always helpful to know that when we feel frustrated or discouraged, there are others who feel the same way and are able to find a way to keep going. I don't always get to participate as much as I'd like.

    I feel like I was born to tell stories. My heart beat quickens when a new idea blooms in my subconscious or when I'm fully engaged in weaving together the threads of a tale.

  115. 45
    Mostly MG & YA
    published in forthcoming collection 2014

    I enjoy the Friday Fricasees and keep hoping that the autobot will choose me for contests.

    My heart calls me to connect to emotions, be they dark or light, so that I may embrace the fullness of human existence and provide that gateway to others.

  116. 40s
    Published Picture Book

    A fellow author referred me to your site! Love the contests as ways to connect with editors/ agents and as a learning tool. Thanks!

  117. age: 35.5
    sex: lots please, oh um. Female.
    what i write: poetry, YA, non-fiction
    published by black moss press, no agent (yet) - 1 memoir, 1 book of poetry - short stories/photography/poetry/articles have all been published in magazines
    most helpful: 1-3 chapter critiques you do, all the contests - how you're able to connect us with agents/critique's such a gift!
    my dream: writing in a cottage on a body of water where the weather is warm -writing a novel/book because my agent has helped me get a sweet book deal with a publisher who understands and supports my writing life/voice - and there are readers who love and support my writing too! it's the biggest dream. the best dream...
