
Monday, March 31, 2014

First Kiss--Call for Submissions

It's been almost a year since we've had a First Kiss critique round, so let's have some fun!

  • Send your First Kiss scene (up to 300 words) with a brief (25-word) lead-in to give us some grounding.
  • Please remember that this is a PG-13 blog. Nothing beyond a kiss will be accepted.
  • The scene can be an almost-kiss, if you have one of those.
  • Enter HERE.
  • The submission window happens TOMORROW, April 1 (not, I'm not fooling you), noon to 5:00 PM EDT. This will be a LOTTERY.
  • The bot will choose 20 entries, plus 1 alternate.
  • Entries will post for critique on Wednesday, April 2.
  • This critique round is open to finished and unfinished novels, and to agented and unagented authors.
Note: PLEASE DON'T NEGLECT TO INCLUDE YOUR 25-word lead-in to the scene.  It makes a big difference, knowing where we're being dropped into a story.

Please also take the time to CHECK YOUR ENTRY before hitting "enter".  


Please type your 25-word lead-in in italics.  Then double space before beginning your excerpt.

The excerpt will begin here.  There will be lots of kissing.

Post your questions below!


  1. WOO! Kissing time!

    Also, have you ever considered moving this to fit more with Valentine's day? Just curious

  2. Thats too cliched for me. LOL!

    Also, Cupid's got her big Valentine thing going then, yes? :)
