
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Premiere Critique Slot Open

If you've been waiting for the next slot to open, your chance has arrived.  I've cleared my schedule for another Premiere Critique from Authoress Edits.  The details:

  • a detailed line edit of your first 75 pages
  • editorial letter
  • guaranteed 1-week turnaround
  • $260, payable in 2 installments

Interested?  Email me at authoress.edits(at)  All genres except erotica.  First come, first served.

I've also caught up on my latest round of 3-page edits, so if you'd like me to look at your first 3 pages for $18, email me.

And, of course, I continually accept my classic 30-page projects, for which the wait time is now only 1 1 1/2 to 2 months (used to be 3 months, so this makes me happy!).  

Just a reminder:  If nobody has ever read your work before, PLEASE DON'T HIRE ME.  You need a critique partner (or 2 or 3 or 10) before you need an edit-for-hire.  Do your first rounds first, and THEN pop me an email!

UPDATE:  The slot has been filled.  Check again next month!

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