
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Blog Critique Tour: Winner of Free Edit!

First of all, I want to express sincere thanks for each of you who took the time to leave critique for our 10 Blog Critique Tour authors.  SO MUCH thoughtful critique!  And I've gotten messages from thankful authors, letting me know how much the feedback has helped them.

As always, you are a shining example of what it means to be a community.

And now, here's the winner of the 15-page edit from AUTHORESS EDITS (that's me), chosen randomly from valid critique comments:

JK Wise

Congratulations, JK!  Please email me at authoress.edits(at) to set up your free edit.



  1. Congratulations JK!! And thanks again Authoress for another great contest!

  2. Like George wrote, thanks to you, Authoress, for another wonderful contest. I had a lot of fun reading the 10 entries - and only wish I could read the 10 books, too! I'm glad the authors received such thoughtful (and hopefully helpful) feedback. Oh, and congrats, JK, you lucky dog!
