
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

July Secret Agent Critique Guidelines

Guidelines for Critique on MSFV:
  • Please leave your critique for each entry in the comment box for that entry.
  • Please choose a screen name to sign your comments. The screen name DOES NOT have to be your real name; however, it needs to be an identifiable name.  ("Anonymous" is not a name.)
  • Critiques should be honest but kind, helpful but sensitive.
  • Critiques that attack the writer or are couched in unkind words will be deleted.*
  • Cheerleading IS NOT THE SAME as critiquing.  Please don't cheerlead.
  • Having said that, it is perfectly acceptable to say positive things about an entry that you feel is strong.  To make these positive comments more helpful, say why it's a strong entry.
  • ENTRANTS: As your way of "giving back", please critique a minimum of 5 other entries.

*I can't possibly read every comment.  If you ever see a comment that is truly snarky, please email me.  I count on your help.


  1. Hi, I've been in a conference for work all day and now need to do my home things (dishes, laundry etc...). I need to get my comments in to others still and scrolled through to make some initial selections before I go put leftovers in the fridge... When will these be up until. I don't want to jyp out my fellow contestants!

    Thank you Ms. Authoress!

  2. HI, Lara! They'll be up forever. :)
